Chrysanthemums come from Asia, mainly China and Japan, where they have been cultivated for centuries. Later, they reached other parts of the world through trade exchanges. The genus Chrysanthemum includes about 20 species of plants, but there are thousands of varieties that have been developed for cultivation in gardens and greenhouses.
Chrysanthemums are associated with various symbolic meanings in different cultures, but they usually represent happiness, love, gratitude and peace.
In Asian culture, chrysanthemums have a special meaning. In Japan, for example, the flower is a symbol of the empire, and the Chrysanthemum Festival (also called the "Festival of Happiness") is an important national holiday. In China, chrysanthemums symbolize longevity and luck.
It is also important to note that some varieties of chrysanthemums are used in homeopathic medicine as natural insect repellents.
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