Indoor plants are one of the best ways to complete your home decor. As a general principle, living plants and flowers enhance the positive aura of the space, as well as balance and harmony. If your space is limited there are many species of small growth plants most of which do not require special care.
Indoor plants are a great way to "bring" nature into the home. For beginners, they are aesthetically pleasing and create a more intimate feeling in the space. Most of them clean the air and reduce stress. They are beautiful and you can use them to create a pleasant atmosphere at home, even if your space is small. Even the smallest houses or balconies can be considered a beautiful garden. Hanging baskets and pots with small plants or climbing plants can decorate and give fresh air to any small place. If you have very limited gardening knowledge, but you want a small plant that adorns your home with its greenery, one of the following plants is an ideal choice for you.
If there is not enough space in your house or your balcony, you should choose small plants in pots or even surround your entire balcony with groups of beautiful plants.
Find below some fantastic ideas of plants that will fit perfectly in your space and you will love.
Polka Dot Plant
Polka Dot is an impressive plant from Madagascar that always catches the eye. Its foliage has a special beauty as it is splashed and available in a variety of colours such as red, pink and white making it a separate plant from most indoor plants. It is ideal for the office, living room and bedroom as it filters the air and cleans the space from harmful substances.
Care tips: Polka dot as an indoor plant needs a place that will be bright but can also thrive in a semi-shady place. However, avoid direct contact with the sun's rays which will cause burns on the leaves. It is sensitive to very low winter temperatures so be sure to protect it from them. This plant loves the humidity in the atmosphere so spray its foliage often with water and it will be very happy. When the soil of the plant is almost dry then it is the right time to water it. Also, add liquid fertilizer for green plants in spring and autumn to enhance its colourful foliage. Polka dot is one of the plants that should be pruned. Trim the tops so that it does not get too high and maintain its compact shape. Because it is a small plant, it does not need to be transplanted often.
Pothos Plant
Pothos is one of the most famous and beloved plants both for the beautiful greenery created by its foliage and for its durability. The leaves, whose shape resembles a heart, are large, splashed in shades of green and yellow. It is considered a climbing plant so it looks great when their foliage hangs from a shelf or sill. It is a useful plant as it has been proven to absorb the harmful substances present in any enclosed space and clean the atmosphere of our home or office.
Care tips: Although the plant can survive in low light conditions, it prefers to be in a place with more light. However, it does not withstand direct sunlight, not even through the glass, so place it in a place that has enough light filtered through a curtain. Also keep it away from cold air currents such as doors or windows. Water your plant only when the soil in the pot is dry and make sure there is good drainage so that problems with the plant are not caused by excess water. Humidity seems to be essential for this plant, especially during the summer months. In the very high temperatures of summer but also in the low temperatures of winter that are probably combined with the dryness of the atmosphere, it is good to spray the leaves of Pothos once a week with a little water, providing it with the moisture it needs. Once a month every spring and autumn you can add organic fertilizer for green plants, rich in nitrogen, ideal to strengthen the foliage. To give a denser look to your plant, you can prune more at the top in early spring. When placed on terraces or balconies it should be located in places protected from the wind and sun.
Sansevieria is also known as the “mother-in-law's tongue” because of its pointed and hard erect leaves that look like "tongue" or “snake plant” is considered to be a very easy to care for houseplant.
Care tips: It is a plant that can grow in a variety of light conditions, but thrives best in indirect sunlight. It prefers a warm and bright place, while it can withstand dark places; its growth is simply inhibited. It does not like direct sunlight, as it burns on its foliage and makes the colour of its leaves fade. Sansevieria is resistant to heat but wants protection from the extreme cold. Avoid placing it near heat sources, such as fireplaces and radiators, and choose places away from cold currents and air conditioners. The ideal temperatures for its healthy growth is between 18-27οC. As Sansevieria is a tropical plant, it is very hardy and its water needs are very limited. Water the Sansevieria about once a month, in spring and autumn and only after the soil has dried. During the summer, we water more often, about every 2 weeks. When watering, pour the water directly on the soil around the base of the plant instead of in the centre of the plant itself. To stimulate its growth, in early spring and early autumn, we can add liquid fertilizer for indoor plants.
Senecio or String of pearls
Senecio or String of pearls belongs to the succulents and has tiny pearl-shaped leaves. This unusual succulent is an ideal small plant due to its flexibility. It tends to climb and looks great as it falls under a shelf, sill or from a hanging flower pot.
Care tips: Senecio thrives best in a combination of direct and indirect sunlight, for a total of between six and eight hours a day. They are best kept in direct sunlight in the morning and during the afternoon it is good to be in a place with indirect light or partial shade. Plant them in a pot with drainage holes at the base so that it can help remove excess moisture from the soil. As these plants are sensitive to root rot, it is important to make sure that their soil is well drained. Keep the soil of the plant slightly moist in spring and summer and during the winter months reduce watering. It is a plant that is resistant to drought, but does not like moisture, so avoid placing it in the kitchen or bathroom.
Cacti and succulents
Cacti and succulents are among the most popular ornamental plants that we can plant in our garden, yard and balcony, even indoors in homes and offices as they are easy to care for and very hardy plants!
Care tips: Most cacti and succulents love bright light, but there are different lighting needs depending on the species as some grow best in shady places. It is best to avoid strong direct sunlight, especially in the summer months, as they can cause burns on the leaves of these plants. In general, all succulents and cacti should be exposed to the sun for at least 6-8 hours a day. These plants to grow and thrive need special topsoil that ensures good drainage and good ventilation for their root system. In addition to the good quality of the topsoil, make sure that the pots have drainage holes because otherwise too much moisture can lead to rot in the roots of your plant. They may absorb more water from the environment than from the root system, but this does not mean that they do not need regular watering. To keep them healthy and with rich growth, water once a week during the spring and autumn period and every 4-5 days on hot summer days. During the winter, water every 2 weeks, and to be sure if they need watering the best way is to check their soil to make sure it is dry before watering. Generally the biggest mistake that people make with succulents is excessive watering. Most succulents and cacti grow faster at temperatures around 25 ° C. When the temperature drops below 18 ° C their growth rate decreases significantly and is something we must avoid.
Calathea Plant
Calathea is a beautiful indoor plant with impressively large leaves, two-coloured or even three-coloured depending on the variety. There are several varieties of the plant that differ in leaf size, height, colours and designs, but they all have the same care requirements. It is a plant quite popular for the special beauty that it will add to any space as well as it belongs to the plants that clean the air by absorbing some of the harmful gases and releasing the benefits.
Care tips: Compared to other small indoor plants they need special care. It grows in semi-shady places in moderate light spots. Direct sunlight will make the colour of the leaves less attractive and possibly burn them. Choose topsoil enriched with perlite to retain a relative humidity. You can add pebbles and pumice to the bottom of the pot for good drainage. If you see the roots coming out of the soil it means that your plant needs immediate transplanting. Also during the growing season the fertilizer will help the plant a lot. At temperatures below 18oC you must moderate the watering otherwise you will see the leaves of your plant wither. During the summer months it needs more regular watering, checking before the soil is not too wet, thus causing root rot. Clean the leaves of Calathea once a week with a damp cloth, to remove the dust and thus keep its foliage healthy. Protect the plant from wind currents.
Bromeliads are easy to care for houseplants and adding one of these plants to your space is a great way to bring in a tropical feel along with lots of colour and texture. The trademark of Bromeliad plants is their long, sword-shaped leaves that grow in a dazzling array of colours.
They are epiphytes that in their natural environment use their root system to anchor on rocks, trees or other plants. They come from the tropics of America and get all their nutrients from their foliage and natural environment.
Care tips: They prefer a spot with bright light, but try to avoid direct sunlight. Ideal location is a place with east or west orientation, but without accepting the effect of direct sunlight, as it can burn its foliage. They can also thrive in shady places. If the foliage is dark green and very soft it means that it does not get enough light while if they have a very light green colour it means that they receive excessive light intensities. The ideal growth temperature of these plants is considered to be 16-27 ° C. In their centre they have a natural "cup" formed by their foliage and there they collect the water they need. During periods with lower temperatures or lower lighting intensities, the amount of water in the cup should be less. Water when the soil is dry. When growing a Bromeliad as a houseplant, it can be watered through the cup or through the soil. In these plants the moisture is also collected from the foliage so the occasional spraying favours them. The soil needs a little moisture as they do not like too much water. They love moisture so if they do not get enough in the space where they are you can increase its humidity either by placing it on a tray with gravel and water or spraying its foliage with water.
Tillandsia is a beautiful indoor plant and one of the special plants as they do not need soil so you do not have to deal with soil and pots.
Care tips: As it is a tropical plant, it needs bright light, but not direct sunlight. A south, east or west window is perfect. They can also be grown under fluorescent tubes. Make sure you give it the moisture it needs by spraying its leaves almost every other week. The right place to put Tillandsia is in the bathroom or kitchen. Of course it can grow in the living room or in any space inside the house with the appropriate specifications. When in a pot it is not so demanding on watering. It will prefer watering preferably with rain water, when the soil of the pot is almost dry. You can add organic fertilizer for flowering plants once a month every spring and autumn. To transplant it, use light indoor soil such as peat. Tillandsia is a fairly easy and hardy plant. The main problems come mainly from excess water creating root rot.
Aloe plant
Aloe is an easy, attractive succulent and one of the most popular plants. It has long, thick, green leaves and it belongs to the succulent family.
Care tips: Aloe loves bright light, although it will do well even in low light conditions. However, the plant doesn’t appreciate sustained direct sunlight, as this tends to dry out the plant too much and turn its leaves yellow. They do best in temperatures between 13 and 27°C. They prefer their soil to be completely dry between watering. Just be careful not to over-water as this can lead to root rot. These small potted plants are beautiful and practical as the gel contained in their leaves helps with a number of skin problems such as sunburn. Do not ingest the gel, as it can cause nausea and other unpleasant symptoms.
Anthurium plant
Anthuriums are ideal for adding colour to any room in the house without taking up much space. With flowers that can last all year round, this plant is a great choice if you are looking for a fairly small indoor plant that will easily fit on a table, shelf or sill. It is a plant that does not need much care and reaches a height of about 60 cm.
Care tips: They can withstand all types of light, but will grow better in bright, indirect light. Make sure it has well-drained soil and avoid excessive watering. Depending on how warm their environment is, you may need to add water every few days. Providing drainage holes on the bottom of your pot is the key to ensuring that the roots don’t become rotted. Being a tropical inhabitant, Anthurium prefers higher average temperatures, ideal range between 21 and 32 degrees Celsius. Also, it needs a good amount of humidity. This usually is at about 70 to 80 percent. You may need to water your plant more frequently as well as provide other ways in which to increase the humidity, such as placing your plant in the bathroom that naturally accumulates more moisture.
Chinese Money plant
The Chinese Money Plant is a lovely plant with smooth, round, fleshy, medium-sized green leaves on long stems. It is an elegant, modern indoor plant, which fits into any interior decoration while it is believed to bring good luck.
Care tips: Place it in a bright place but not with direct exposure to sunlight as it may damage its foliage. However, it can also live in places with partial shade. This plant is sensitive to excess water, so make sure it dries between watering. Water when the soil has started to dry, placing it in a basin of water to absorb the water it needs, but without leaving it in the water for too long. If the leaves start to fall down, then the plant needs watering. It is one of the plants that love moisture. If the area where it is located has low levels of humidity, spray their foliage often with water or place it on a tray with stones and water. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust.
Echeveria is one of the most common types of succulents. Small plants like these are more often found in offices and houses due to their easy care and small size.
Care tips: Watering is the most important aspect of proper Echeveria care. Echeverias, like most succulents, do not require much water. It is better to under-water Echeveria than to overwater them. Ideally we water it once a week in spring and autumn and twice a week during the summer months when high temperatures prevail. Be sure to let the soil in your plants dry completely before watering them again. Echeveria grows best in bright and semi-shady places, in places where the sun does not see all day and loves the warm afternoon light. Echeverias thrive in hot, dry conditions. For the most part, they do not tolerate cold temperatures or cold drafts well and too much humidity can lead to root rot.
Jade Plant
Jade Plant is one of the most popular small indoor plants that with proper care can live for many years. They are usually grown as small indoor plants, but given enough space, time and care, they can grow to be large enough.
Care tips: It has thick, oval leaves and to keep them nice and shiny you must wipe them with a cloth to fight dust. This will keep the leaves shiny and increase the plant's ability to absorb sunlight. It thrives in bright and well-ventilated places, on balconies and courtyards, without direct exposure to sunlight, especially during the summer. It is not very resistant to frost and should be moved to a warmer place when temperatures are close to zero. Watering is needed about once a week during the spring months and twice a week during the summer months. Instead, during the fall and winter, water every 1-2 weeks depending on the weather. Never let a jade plant dry out completely. But also, do not water a jade plant too often, as this can cause root rot. If your jade plant is losing leaves or has leaf spots, this is most commonly caused by too little water.
Kalanchoe is a beautiful plant known for its colourful flowers. Durable and very easy to care for, Kalanchoe is one of the most popular choices as an indoor plant. In all nurseries or flower shops you will find it in almost all seasons, blooming or not, in a variety of shades and in pots of all sizes.
Care tips: They need enough sunlight to bloom, so they should be placed in a room with plenty of bright, natural light. Avoid placing them on windowsills or in direct sunlight, however, as they can burn the leaves and cause the plant not to bloom. Like most succulents, Kalanchoe plants require well-drained soil and mild temperatures of at least 16 C. It is a plant that needs minimal watering about once a week, and even less during the winter months. Allow the soil to dry completely between watering (this helps prevent root rot) and then water.
Spathiphyllum is one of the best indoor plants you can have in your home due to its attractive appearance and ability to clean the air. They are also plants that can thrive in fluorescence, so they are ideal for rooms that have no or no natural light.
Care tips: Place the Spathiphyllum in a well-lit area, but protect it from direct sunlight. Plenty of light encourages rapid growth and helps produce flowers. Water only as the topsoil dries. When watering the plant, you must ensure proper drainage of water before placing the plant in a bright place. During the summer months you should water the Spathiphyllum about once or twice a week. In winter, when its growth slows down, water every two weeks.
Remember that Spathiphyllum is not one of the drought tolerant plants. Moisture allows the roots to absorb nutrients and encourages healthy growth. These plants thrive ideally at temperatures of 18 ° C - 29 ° C and can not withstand very low temperatures and cold currents.
Peperomia originates from the tropical and subtropical forests of America. It usually grows as epiphytes, settles on the trunk of other plants. It is considered mainly a leafy plant, because in its leaves it has interesting colours, designs, shape and structure.
Care tips: Peperomia prefers moderate lighting conditions but can tolerate partial shade. In any case, direct sunlight should be avoided. They grow very well under fluorescent lights, making them ideal for the office or other interiors. It needs watering when the soil is almost dry. Water is stored in the leaves that make these plants drought resistant. The ideal temperatures for this plant are 18-24 ° C. It can survive in temperatures up to 10 ° C, but not lower. As a tropical plant, Peperomia loves increased humidity levels. In case the leaves turn brown it is a sign that more moisture is needed in the space. Apply fertilizer suitable for green plants every 15 days during the growing season and once a month for the rest of the season.
Do you want to give a refreshing air to your space, in the simplest and most economical way? Choose your favourite plant and you will achieve the desired result. There are many popular small plants because of their attractive appearance and easy care requirements. Delight your loved ones wherever they may be with a charming small plant or a lovely plant arrangement from your closest flower shop or nursery.
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