The iris is one of the most vibrant bloom to catch someone’s attention! Welcome spring with a bouquet of striking irises and add freshness and beauty to any room or office.
Same day Delivery irises
If you forgot the birthday of your beloved friend, or you want to send your wishes for the birth of a baby then choose from our flower shop the ideal gift with irises that will help you celebrate with your loved ones every day. All arrangements and bouquets are prepared by our experienced staff and delivered with our same day service on time at the door of your friend or loved one.
The iris flower was named after the Greek goddess Iris, a messenger known to have used the rainbow as a bridge from heaven and earth. The irises are found in the wonderful shades of purple, which symbolize the mystery, blue, which represent the hope and pink which symbolize spring season, while a bouquet with white irises gives a touch of elegance to any room.
At anthemionflowers you will find amazing bouquets and arrangements with gorgeous irises that will impress your special recipient. As we always choose flowers of exceptional quality, you can be sure that the bouquet you will send will last a long time as they are characterized by freshness.
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