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Wonderful kalanchoe plant

Kalanchoes are bright and cheerful flowering succulents with thick green leaves and colored flowers. They are very easy to care for and can be grown indoors or outdoors, as long as they are in relatively warm conditions and have exposure to sunlight. Because kalanchoe are so easy to care for and are resistant to many diseases that harm more delicate plants, they are great low-maintenance plants to keep in your house or even give out as seasonal gifts.

kalanchoes are short, bushy plants with thick, oval-shaped scalloped leaves. A kalanchoe, long-lasting bloom appear in clusters at the ends of sturdy stems. The vibrant colored flowers come in red, orange, yellow, lavender, white, and pink. Some new varieties even have bi-colored flowers. It comes from Madagascar, but some of its varieties are found in tropical forests of Brazil and Southeast Asia.


The best way to grow a kalanchoe plant is to take a cutting from a fully grown plant and planting it to grow a new kalanchoe. Use a sharp pair of shears to cut off a branch of a fully grown kalanchoe branch. Remove all the leaves on the lower of the branch except for 2 leaves. After you make the cutting and remove most of the leaves, place the cutting on a paper towel and leave it out for a few days to dry. This process of drying the cutting is called “callusing.” Once the cutting has dried, place the cutting in the soil. Fill a small pot with drainage holes in the bottom, with well-drained soil. Clay pots are a good choice for succulents because they breathe. Then make a hole in the soil with a pencil. It’s essential to get well-drained soil for your cutting so that the soil doesn’t trap too much moisture. Once you stick the cutting into the soil, lightly water the soil until it is barely moist. Then take a large plastic bag, and place it over the pot to completely cover it. Using the plastic bag to cover the pot helps to make a humid environment for the cutting so that it flourishes and grows.

Place the pot in bright, indirect sunlight and water occasionally. Check the soil about once a week and water lightly if the soil is dry, replacing the bag back on top of the pot after watering. Until your kalanchoe has rooted, it needs to remain in bright, indirect sunlight.

After 2-3 weeks, the roots should start growing. At this point, you can take the bag off the top of the pot, still keeping the pot in a sunny place and watering about once a week when the soil is dry.


In the summer, as the day go longer its flowering is reducing. Contrary to the early autumn, when the night goes longer, the first buds appear. Practically, blooming period starting from October to the end of spring and the blooms on kalanchoe plants may last up to 8 weeks.


Kalanchoe can be grown both indoors and outdoors. They are very easy to care plants and the only thing they cannot withstand is the cold. If the temperature approaches 0 ° C they will die in just a few hours. Instead, to grow properly this beautiful plant needs hot temperatures. The ideal temperature to grow is between 12C and 30C.  Always keep kalanchoes away from cold drafts and open windows during the winter. It would be desirable to plant a kalanchoe in a flower pot so that it is easy to move inside the house in case of low temperatures. If you choose to plant it in your garden, you should be sure that in the winter the temperatures will not be too low or that there are no frosts. Otherwise you will need to take special protection measures.


Kalanchoe plants need bright indirect light and enjoy sun during the fall, winter, and spring. Direct sun in the summer it will burn their leaves. As the days get shorter kalanchoes produce more flowers.


Very important is the proper watering of Kalanchoes. They have plump leaves that store water for long time. These plants are easily over-watered which causes rotten roots so always allow the soil to dry-out before watering. If the soil is dry, sink the plant in a deep saucer of water for about ten minutes. This not only prevents over-watering but also doesn't allow water to get on the kalanchoe plant leaves. Ensure very good drainage by placing gravel on the bottom of your pot. Finally, always empty the remaining water on the saucer.


Excessive humidity can sap its sensitive roots. Kalanchoes grow well in regular to low household humidity. When the humidity is too high, these plants develop plant diseases such as leaf spot or powdery mildew.


Fertilize kalanchoe plants monthly when they are actively growing with a high in nitrogen fertilizer. You can also use a general fertilizer in liquid form or slow absorption tablets. If the soil is very dry, moisten the soil with plain water before using water containing fertilizer, this prevents the plant from burning the roots.


Kalanchoes roots are quite sensitive and it would be preferable to use clay pots as the clay allows for better root ventilation. Prefers to live independent in small pots. However, the larger the pot, the larger the leaves will give us. Use a light soil composed of peat moss, sand and perlite that drains well. Kalanchoe containers must have drip holes in the bottom so excess water can drain out.


Stem cuttings, plant division, and offsets are the best way to propagate kalanchoe plants. When using stem cuttings be sure to allow the cut end of the stems to dry for 24 hours before planting them. This prevents the cuttings from developing rotten roots.


Remove dead or dying flowers as soon as they appear. Cut back bare stems to keep the plant full and bushy.

Pests and diseases

Kalanchoe plants are pest resistant. When placed outdoors for the summer, they attract mites, scale, and aphids. Kalanchoe plants are prone to fungal leaf spot and powdery mildew. The best way to prevent these diseases is to keep the leaves dry and provide good air circulation.

Kalanchoes are great plants to liven up your home during the long winter months. At, you can find the size or color you want. These flowering plants are a lovely present to brighten the decor of any setting. Let friends, family or loved ones enjoy a gift that will continue to bloom and give joy every day!