History of Father’s Day


Most of us know about Mother's Day but has anyone ever wondered when Father’s Day is. Father's Day is the annual mobile celebration in honor of the father, and generally the influence of fathers in society. It has a ceremonial character and is considered a complementary holiday along with Mother's Day. 

Before we see when Father's Day falls, let us take a brief look at history and let us say a few words about how and where this celebration started.


The first historically well-organized celebration of Father's Day took place in Fairmont, West Virginia, on July 5, 1908. It was organized by Grace Golden Clayton, who wanted to celebrate in honor of 210 people who died in a mine in the so-called Monongah Mining disaster in Monongah, West Virginia, in December 1907. 

Clayton may have been affected by the first Mother's Day celebration that year and chose the closest Sunday to the birthday of her recently deceased father to celebrate. 

Unfortunately, this day did not receive the necessary attention, as it was overshadowed by other events that happened that day in the city, with the result that neither West Virginia recognized this day as an official holiday, nor to be celebrated again. 

All the recognition for Father's Day went to Sonora Dodd from Spokane, Washington. Knowing nothing of the previous event in Virginia and influenced by Mother's Day, Dodd organized her own Father's Day, just two years after Clayton. She wanted to honor her father, who was a veteran of the American Civil War (1861-1865) as well as all the other veteran fathers of that war.

The first bill that went to the US Congress and related to the formalization of Father's Day in 1913 was voted down due to fears about the commercialization of the holiday. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson visited Spoken where he spoke on Father's Day, as well as a failed attempt to formalize the holiday by Congress. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge formally proposed a special date for Father's Day celebrations in the United States but did not take any action. 

After several more failed attempts to promote the holiday, in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson issued the first presidential decree that officially honored fathers, establishing the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. Six years later, in 1972, President Richard Nixon finalized the holiday as a permanent national holiday of the United States of America.

After the final formalization of the feast by Nixon, and while there was an impression that the first feast of the father was organized in 1910 by Dodd, someone attending the Clayton event of 1908 managed to prove that the feast had taken place two years earlier.


In Greece, the celebration was established by divorced fathers through the Association for Male and Paternal Dignity by the founder Nikos Spitalas due to the devaluation of the father by justice, in divorces. 

Thus, together with all Europeans, they celebrate Father's Day every third Sunday in June when schools are still open to teach teachers the role and values of the father in the family. A special series of stamps has also been printed by Hellenic Post. 

All over the world the day of celebration varies from country to country. 


In the Republic of China, there is no official Father's Day. Some people celebrate on the third Sunday of June, according to the tradition of the United States. Father's Day is also celebrated in the special administrative regions.


Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday of June in India. The event is not a public holiday. The day is usually celebrated only in bigger cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi, Kanpur, Kolkata, and others. After this day was first observed in the United States in 1908 and gradually gained popularity, Indian metropolitan cities, much later, followed suit by recognizing this event. In India, the day is usually celebrated with children giving gifts like greeting cards, electronic gadgets, shirts, coffee mugs or books to their fathers.


France introduced the idea of Father’s Day first in 1949 for commercial reasons. Director Marcel Quercin wanted to sell their lighter in France. Their slogan “Our daddies told us, for Father’s Day, they all want a Flaminaire”. In 1952, the holiday was officially decreed. A national Father’s Day committee was set up to give a prize for fathers that deserved it most (originally, candidates were nominated by the social services of each town hall's/mayor's office.


In Germany, Father's Day is celebrated differently from other parts of the world. It is always celebrated on Ascension Day (the Thursday forty days after Easter), which is a federal holiday. Regionally, it is also called Men’s Day, or Gentlemen’s Day. It is a tradition for groups of males (young and old but usually excluding boys) to do a hiking tour with one or more smaller wagons, pulled by manpower. In the wagons are wine or beer bottles (according to the region) and traditional regional food. Many men use this holiday as an opportunity to get drunk. According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, alcohol-related traffic accidents multiply by three on this day. The tradition of Father's Day is especially prevalent in Eastern Germany. These traditions are probably rooted in Christian Ascension Day's processions to the farmlands, which has been celebrated since the 18th century. Many people will take the following Friday off at work, and some schools are closed on that Friday as well; many people then use the resulting four-day-long weekend for a short vacation.


In the Netherlands, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June and is not a public holiday. Traditionally, as on Mother's Day, fathers get breakfast in bed made by their children and families gather and have dinner, usually at the grandparents' house. In recent years, families also started having dinner out, and as on Mother's Day, it is one of the busiest days for restaurants. At school, children handcraft presents for their fathers. Consumer goods companies have all sorts of special offers for fathers: socks, ties, electronics, suits, and men's healthcare products.


In Canada, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June and is not a public holiday. Father's Day typically involves spending time with one's father or the father figures in one's life. Small family gatherings and the giving of gifts may be part of the festivities organized for Father's Day.


In the USA, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Typically, families gather to celebrate the father figures in their lives. In recent years, retailers have adapted to the holiday by promoting greeting cards and gifts such as electronics and tools. Schools and other children's programs commonly have activities to make Father's Day gifts.


In Australia, Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September, which is the first Sunday of spring in Australia. Most families present fathers with gifts and cards and share a meal. It is recognized as a national holiday; however, it is not considered a public holiday.

In essence, it is a celebration that aims to show that the role of the father is just as important as that of the mother, since very often in our society, fathers take second place. And do not forget that as we say mother is only one, so dad is also only one! 

Happy Father’s Day to fathers all over the world! Wish the father or the man who is important to you with a gift that will make him feel special. Look online or at the nearest flower shop and find gifts and flowers that will impress your beloved father.


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