Gardening for beginners

Want to decorate your garden or house with plants and flowers but do not know where to start?  In the market you will find many different types of plants for your house or balcony and follow simple steps to proceed with their planting and regular care

The following guide includes ideas and tips to bring nature into your home! This practical gardening guide for beginners will show you what to look out for and what you need to know before you get started.

First of all you do not need to know everything about gardening to get started. You can simply begin to discover this new world step by step. After all, the most important thing is to love what you do.

How to plant with bulbs?

Planting the bulbs is very easy. When planting bulbs their depth should not exceed 5-10 cm and should always be planted with their top upwards. Then cover the bulb with soil and water lightly, so that the soil is moist but not muddy. At this stage the bulbs are susceptible to rot by fungi, due to the high humidity that can grow in the soil. 

As a general rule, the planting depth of the bulbs and the trunks should be three times their diameter, calculating it from the soil surface to the upper part of the bulb. Exceptions are amaryllis and hyacinths (hyacinths), which in planting are covered by 2/3 with soil.

Bulbous, tuberous and rhizomatous plants are planted, depending on their species, in autumn to bloom in winter / spring or in spring to bloom in summer / autumn.

When and how to transplant my plants?

Although transplanting may seem simple, there are some things to keep in mind when transplanting to keep your plants healthy. Remember that transplanting is not something natural for a plant and when you change its container or where it is located there is a possibility of damaging it. 

Transplanting is a big change for the plant and if it is not done properly, it can significantly weaken the plant. In some cases, the plant may be severely affected, to the point that it may die. 

To transplant a plant you just bought, whether it is placed in a pot or in the ground, the season does not matter. Transplanting new plants can be done at any time without particularly damaging the plant. These plants can be transplanted immediately.

On the other hand, if you are transplanting a plant from the ground into a pot, the season can make a difference. The reason is that the process involves causing damage to the roots, so the best thing to do is to wait until the activity of the plant is minimized. So the best season is winter.

However, if you are transplanting a plant from a pot into the ground, you should consider watering. So the best season is summer for these plants. This way, you will be sure that the plant will receive more water because otherwise it will wither very easily.

One of the most important aspects when transplanting is the choice of the right pot. A small pot or a very large one can damage the plant. Small pots do not have enough space for the roots to grow and expand, but a very large pot prevents the plant from receiving enough water.

Plant extraction is the most sensitive point of transplanting, especially if the plant is transferred from one pot to another. You need to remove the plant very carefully so that their root, which meets the soil, does not separate. If this happens, the plant will have a harder time adapting to its new environment.

Watering is another important part of transplanting. Once the soil is moist, tap the pot to help loosen the soil. Carefully extract the plant using its stem or trunk.

To put the plant in its new pot, it is important to make sure that the plant is in the centre of the pot, not too high, not too low, not too far from the edge. Finally, fill the area with topsoil, applying pressure with your fist so that the soil remains intact.

It is necessary to prepare the topsoil in advance according to the needs of your plant. This will help it adapt to the environment and help it get the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Mix the soil of the pot superficially at a depth of 2.5 - 5 cm with a pointed wood. Then we take it out and replace it with fresh soil or a suitable mixture.

During the planting, pieces of tile should be placed at the bottom of the pot, so that the excess water can easily leave during watering.

When transplanting a plant, you must be careful to plant the plant at the same depth as before. Then, holding the plant with one hand in the centre of the pot, squeeze the soil enough with the other hand so that the plant is firmly in place. Finally, water the plant well and do not water it again for the remaining ten days.

You must be careful about the frequency and amount of water you give to your plant for a few weeks. That is, you should give a small amount of water until the plant gets used to the new soil.

Do not fertilize the plant for three to six months after each transplant. This, of course, depends on our plant and its growth.

Finally, when transplanting your plant, the soil should be moist but not too wet and the ideal time to transplant your plants is late spring and early summer.

How to plant with seeds?

Planting seeds and their cultivation are one of the most fun hobbies having multiple benefits for you and your family, giving peace, and relaxation. Not only when you are taking care of your garden, but also when you will enjoy the result. Just follow these simple basic steps and you will definitely be rewarded!

Depending on the type of plant, other seeds need light to germinate and others need darkness. Make sure to water lightly but often so that the soil and seeds do not dry out until they germinate. Seeds should only be purchased at nurseries stores or flower stores and consider buying the best quality of seeds.

Seeds in the ground

Check the soil to be used for the seeds so that it is light and without lumps.

Apply the soil evenly in each position and press lightly with your hand.

Water the soil with a small amount of water and in the form of drops, using a watering can with small holes.

Plant the seeds by placing several in the soil, leaving some distance between them. This distance depends on the type of plant, so see more information in the seed bag.

Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. The thickness of the soil is practically calculated as follows, as much as 2 times the height of the seed.

Press the soil surface lightly again with your fingers.

Check again for instructions on the seed package you purchased, regarding temperature, length of stay in the light and watering of the specific species.

Seeds in container

Choose the seeds of the plant that you like. Soak the seeds overnight in a little water. Some varieties do not need watering before planting, so we consult the florist.

Check for holes in the bottom of the pot. This is necessary so that excess water can escape. The pot should be tall so that the plant stalks can grow properly.

Pour two large handfuls of pumice or gravel at the bottom of the pot. Fill with soil.

About 7-8 cm before the pot is filled, make small holes with the shovel. Make sure that they are 5 cm apart, so that the plants can grow properly. Fill each hole with 5-6 seeds. Cover with soil and leave a margin of 2 cm from the level of the soil to the edge of the pot. 

Carefully grab the plant by the roots with one hand. Lift the roots upwards so that the plant comes out of the pot. At the same time, with the other hand, slowly pull the pot in the opposite direction. The plant should come out all together, with the soil gathered around its roots. Immediately place the plant in the pot and be careful not to put it wrong.

Fill with soil until its surface is covered. With your hands lightly pat the surface of the pot, so that the soil is well spread. Pour 2 teaspoons of fertilizer powder or liquid and water well.

If you follow the above steps you should be able to start up your own garden with beautiful plants. Just visit the nearest flower store in your area and find a wide variety of plants for every style and season.


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