Bulb cultivation guide | How to plant bulbs

Bulbs are perennial plants that have underground storage organs thanks to which they ensure their presence in the same place for years. After germination they fall into lethargy after the drying of the aboveground part and germinate again in the next period.

Because of the striking, colourful and beautiful flowers they produce, bulbous plants are very popular.

Planting bulbs is one of the easiest ways for flowers with rich flowering, even for complete amateurs in gardening, since they do not need special care to bloom and grow and these are species with a particularly impressive appearance due mainly to the variety of their colours.

What is the planting Process?

Planting bulbs is an easy process. When choosing bulbs from the nursery, opt for those that look good visually, are not dry or wet, are normal in size, and are not injured or infested with insects or other diseases.

In order to have the results we want, they must be planted at the right time. In order to bloom in spring we have to plant them in mid-September to early October and respectively if we want them to bloom in summer we have to plant them in winter. 

In the ground: Dig the substrate well, adding a little fertilizer. Drill holes and place the bulbs and then cover them with the rest of the substrate.

In a pot: If we want to plant them in a planter, we must first place a few pebbles on the bottom to ensure good drainage. The planting depth should be 2-3 times larger than the diameter of the bulb.

At a shallower depth they will germinate but will develop a small root system resulting in them becoming low and sparse. On the other hand, at a greater depth, there will be a risk of destruction of the bulbs, rotting since they will have to penetrate a large layer of soil.

Fertilization: For the good growth of bulbous plants the soil must have sufficient amounts of potassium and phosphorus, while the high nitrogen content of the soil can negatively affect the quality of the bulbs and reduce flowering.

Watering: Bulbous plants need watering at regular intervals with plenty of water because their root system is deep in the ground. During the flowering period the amount of watering needs to increase while the watering should be continued after the end of the flowering, until the leaves dry normally.

Storage of the bulbs: After the plants are dry, take them out of the pots, wipe them lightly from the excess soil and store them in airtight bags, in a dark place, until the next autumn to plant them again.

Those that you have planted directly in the soil, you can not bother them at all, after you completely cut the dry shoots of the flowers, remember the places where they are so that you do not uproot them by digging to plant anything seasonal during the summer and next spring will bloom again.

How to use them in the garden

They are combined with perennial shrubs creating flower beds and planting them in front of them, to project their flowers against the background of their foliage. They are planted under deciduous trees blooming before the leaves develop, thus announcing the coming of spring.

They can be planted on lawn in spots or small flower beds thus breaking the monotony of the lawn, in rock gardens planters and in vases as a cut flower

Tip: To achieve that your garden is in bloom for a long time, do not plant all the bulbs together, but for a period of 7 - 10 days between each planting until the end of autumn. But if for some reason you want an impressive result, then plant all your bulbs on the same day at the same depth, in order to achieve simultaneous flowering of all.

When do we plant the bulbs and when do the bulbs bloom?

The flower bulbs are planted every year during the spring and autumn period in the garden or in pots on the balcony to give us their impressive flowering a few months later. 

Depending on the season in which the bulbous plants germinate and bloom, they are divided into spring or winter-spring and which are planted in the beginning to the middle of autumn (September-October) to start their flowering in winter or spring and the bulbous plants that are planted in early or mid-spring and bloom in summer and autumn. 

Winter flower bulbs or fall planting bulbs, are planted in the fall and remain in the ground until they bloom in late winter or mid-spring. Bulbs of tulip, amaryllis, hyacinth, narcissus, buttercup, muscari, freesia, anemone, crocus, cyclamen and more of other autumn planting flower bulbs are waiting for you to make them your own. 

The most popular spring planting bulbs as they are called are planted in spring and bloom in late summer: Calla, gladiola, lilium and dahlia. Some spring planting bulbs give us flowers that last until autumn. Summer bulbs are sensitive to low temperatures and should be planted after the winter frosts have passed.

Discover in a flower store a huge variety of bulbs to fill your garden with colours and aromas! Every season of the year buy your favourite plants – bulbs and start creating a spectacular garden or balcony! Put colour and beauty in your garden, easily and economically with various seasonal planting bulbs that come to your door even on the same day.