Everything you need to know about Hyacinths

Hyacinth is a beloved ornamental bulbous plant that blooms in spring, earlier than other bulbs. Its origin is from the regions of the eastern Mediterranean such as Greece, Asia Minor, Syria and North Africa. It used to belong to the family Liliaceae, but is now classified in the younger family Asparagaceae. The genus Hyacinthus includes more than 30 species of plants. Hyacinth plants used as ornamentals indoor and outdoor plants.

Top facts of hyacinths

  • The height of Hyacinth does not exceed 30cm.
  • Between the lance-shaped and glossy leaves grows the stem of the flower consisting of dozens of small flowers in inflorescences, which depending on the variety are white, pink, purple, red or blue in color. The hybrid two-color varieties are also particularly impressive.
  • Hyacinth is suitable for planting both in pots-planters and in flower beds, individually or mainly in mass plantings to create spots with intense color and low spring borders.
  • The plants that grow in water instead of soil also get a particularly impressive look and during their flowering they can also be placed in an indoor sunny area. To grow Hyacinths in water, place the bulbs in jars with a narrow mouth and in such a way that only their lower part touches the water and later the roots that the bulb develops.
  • Hyacinths are among the most suitable plants for vases, alone or in combination with other spring species such as freesias, buttercups, tulips, etc., while the same combinations can be made in plantings in pots or flower beds.
  • Hyacinths offer many benefits for health, skin and other issues. Hyacinth is known to be toxic, but the leaves, juice and bulbs of this plant are useful for many types of diseases and ailments. They are used to treat eczema, skin problems, hair problems and more. They also help reduce cholesterol levels, improve digestion, relieve sore throats, cure snake bites and provide instant relief for cholera and women's problems.

Myths and symbolism about Hyacinth

  • Saint Hyacinth, who passed away with martyrdom at the age of 20, is considered the Orthodox "answer" to the Catholic version of the patron saint of love, Saint Valentine, as he is considered the Saint of love, pure feelings, creation and inspiration.
  • According to the Greek myth, Hyacinth, prince of Sparta, died after being hit on the head by a disk hurled at him by the god Apollo, who was in love with him. According to another myth, the disk was hurled by the god of the winds, Zephyrus, who was jealous of the handsome young man's relationship with the god Apollo. After his death, Apollo transformed Hyacinth into a flower, using his spilled blood.
  • The hyacinth has been a well-known plant since ancient times. It was considered the favorite flower of Aphrodite and symbolized love and unparalleled beauty.

Grow hyacinths 

  • Grow hyacinths by planting the bulbs in slightly moist soil in autumn or placing them in a glass container with a narrow mouth so that they are just 2 cm above the water. It takes about 8-10 weeks, a dark place and temperature below 12 °C, to produce roots. Make sure the transition to a brighter and warmer space is smooth.
  • You can also grow hyacinths in a pot. If you want them to be in bloom in December, you have to put the bulbs in the ground and cover them with a layer of sand from September or October. Hyacinth is suitable for planting both in pots-planters and in flower beds, individually or mainly in mass plantings to create spots with intense color and low spring borders.
  • In addition to planting in the garden, it is also ideal for plant containers, large planters, while the whole plant or cut flower stems are used in flower arranging. 

Hyacinths are among the most suitable plants for vases, alone or in combination with other spring species such as Freesias, Buttercups, Tulips, etc., while the same combinations can be made in plantings in pots or flower beds.

What care do hyacinths require to grow properly? Hyacinths, first of all, are bulbous flowers. Therefore, the ideal cultivation includes loose, well-drained soils and some light, light watering. Regarding planting now, since they belong to spring blooming flowers, they are planted in late autumn, at a depth that reaches 2 times their size and at distances of 8 points. Finally, the Hyacinth loves sunny or semi-shady positions and moderate soil fertilization!

Bulbous which is among the annual ornamentals, but if after the end of flowering the bulbs remain in the soil it very often grows and blooms for several more years.

Otherwise in mid-summer cut off the now dry aboveground part of the plant, pull the bulbs out of the soil and store them in a paper bag until autumn when they can be replanted.

Hyacinth and colour

Hyacinth flowers represent different things depending on their color, and characteristics. It shows sincerity to the person you love or the family or group you belong to. When you give this flower in a beautiful arrangement, it could also remind them of your good intention. On the other hand, the flower also means jealousy, impatience and sadness.

In the language of flowers it symbolizes sports and leisure.

Find out more color meaning:

Yellow hyacinth can mean happiness and cheerfulness, but it can also mean disapproval of something.

The purple hyacinth represents sadness and heartbreak. It is ideal to express sorrow and support in a loss.

The white hyacinth is a prayer symbol for someone who needs direction or success.It also represents stability.

Blue hyacinths express honesty.

Red hyacinth means love and romance, but it can also mean fun, and athletic spirit.

Pink hyacinth is associated with platonic love, new beginnings and new love.

Take a look at the wide range of anthemionflowers and find out arrangements and bouquets that include hyacinths by choosing the right one for you. Send a bouquet of aromatic hyacinths or in combination with ranunculus, tulips and more seasonal flowers.