Easter celebrations with flowers


Easter has been associated with many traditional customs around the world. The most glorious celebration of Christianity is celebrated all over the world with spectacular events and the revival of customs and traditions. Easter is the biggest celebration of Christianity, as we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord. However, the way and customs that Christians throughout Greece and around the world celebrate Easter are different.

In some Latin American countries, a replica of a disciple who betrayed Jesus is made, which is then burned with fire or fireworks. In Mexico, thousands of people take to the streets on the eve of Easter, make a statue of Judas and hang it somewhere high in a central spot, so that everyone can pass by, beat it and curse it, thus punishing him for his betrayal. So the Mexicans continue to beat the image of Judas, until dawn it opens and thousands of delicacies and chocolates fall from inside.

In Finland to celebrate the Easter holiday, Finnish children dress up like witches and go knocking door-to-door reciting a traditional rhyme wishing neighbours a healthy year in exchange for a chocolate egg or coin. Willow twigs decorated with colourful feathers and paper are also carried to drive away evil spirits. The tradition roots from belief that evil spirits and witches used to wander around the streets misbehaving before Easter.

In the Philippines, dozens of believers choose to be crucified on Good Friday, like Christ. They represent the Divine Drama. They nail their hands and feet to the cross.

Their thinking is that it helps purify them and cleanse them of the sins of the world. The Roman Catholic Church is not keen on the idea and has been actively trying to discourage this practice, without much success.

On Palm Sunday, a procession takes place in Jerusalem, representing the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. On Good Friday the believers walk on the path that they believe Jesus took before the Crucifixion. Some of them even carry their own cross.

In Florence, the burning of carriage takes place. This is a construction that reaches nine meters and was created 500 years ago. Carriage is set up in Cathedral Square, but it does not burn with real fire. What is happening is a spectacle of sparklers, during which church’s bells ring joyfully. According to tradition, its burning ensures a good harvest for the coming year.

Unlike many of Europe’s Easter celebrations, Australia’s Easter tradition is rather recent in history. The tradition began in 1991, with a modern update to a tradition already in existence. Up until 1991, Easter treats were delivered by the Easter Bunny. In 1991, a campaign was waged to replace the Easter bunny with the Easter Bilby. Rabbits are considered pests that destroy the country's crops. Easter baskets once full of Easter bunnies are now full of chocolate bilbies. Chocolate makers donate a portion of their proceeds to funds for endangered animals. 

The Easter Festival in Antigua, Guatemala, is the largest Easter celebration in the world. It’s a week-long celebration during which the community commemorates the passion and crucifixion of Jesus by conducting processional marches, carrying floats with large sculptures of Jesus and Mary. Sand and coloured sawdust are painstakingly designed and laid in the streets in intricate patterns for the march to proceed over. On Easter Sunday, the city joyously celebrates the resurrection of Jesus with fireworks and the solemnity of the Lenten season is over.

The sky's the limit during Easter in Bermuda. To celebrate the holiday, Bermudians gather to fly homemade kites made using wooden sticks and decorative tissue paper, with the bright geometric designs in the sky symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus. This tradition is paired with a feast of codfish, hot cross buns and sunrise services on the beach. According to a legend, a Bermudian teacher flew a kite as a way to illustrate the ascension of Jesus into heaven.

There are so many spring plants and flowers traditionally associated with the Easter season. Find below some of the most popular and beloved plants and flowers. Each spring flower has its own symbolism, so before you choose an Easter bouquet for your loved one or for your home, have a look at the flowers below to pick the one that suits you best!

Lilac is the ornamental plant that has been associated with the celebration of Easter. It gives impressive flowering that lasts 20 to 30 days, in late spring, close to the Easter period.

The white callas symbolize the purity of Christ to Christians and are the most popular flowers for churches and homes around the Easter holidays. Their growth from bulbs in the ground into flowers symbolizes the rebirth and hope of Christ's resurrection.

Narcissus is often the first flower to bloom in spring, and is known to symbolize new beginnings. When you want to give narcissus, then a bouquet with more than one will help you send a message of joy and happiness, instead of a single narcissus that can transmit misfortune. Daffodils are part of the narcissus family. These beautiful yellow flowers are among the best-selling Easter flowers. Their name comes from Greek mythology. The link between Narcissus - the son of a god and a wood nymph - and narcissism may not be known to everyone. This half-god was so fond of his own reflection in the water that he eventually drowned in it. This would explain why narcissists always look down. Beware! Daffodils can be mildly toxic to cats!

The Christian tradition wants the poppy flower to grow under the cross of Christ on Golgotha and to receive the drops of the blood of the Crucified between its petals, drops that gave it its crimson colour. Since then, the poppy has acquired its red colour forever to remind all of us of the coming of Easter and the Passion of Christ.

The tulip is one of the most popular spring plants. Tulips have beautiful flowers in red, yellow, orange and more. They are ideal outdoor flowers for pots, as they do not grow very tall, nor do they form bushes. Tulips, like freesias, can easily create vase bouquets, as they last for several days after being cut.

The strong aroma of hyacinth can well replace your aromatic space this season! Their enchanting, upright flowers are simply wonderful. Although often grown in pots on the windowsill, hyacinths are surprisingly hardy and suitable for outdoor cultivation.

Violet, this wonderful annual flower, stands out for its elongated gray-green leaves that contrast with the impressive fragrant flowers in shades of white, yellow, pink, purple and red. We admire the violet that is planted in sunny places for the continuous and prolonged flowering from the beginning of spring until the beginning of autumn. That's why we can cut its flowers, put them in a vase and enjoy their aroma for several more days.

Behind the colours of the flowers are symbolisms: so red symbolizes blood, purple symbolizes mourning and white symbolizes purity.

Easter is the most beautiful time to make perfect gifts. Celebrate the greatest feast of Christianity by sending the best wishes with flowers. Order flowers for Easter at anthemionflowers. Send the freshest flowers this Easter that will deliver a lot of smiles.


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