Bonsai, as popular and loved as they may be, need special care and attention to preserve and survive. Their cultivation started from China but became known from Japan. The first bonsai growers treated them in a way that their trunk and foliage reminded them of dragons, reptiles or animals.
They are wonderful miniature trees, a must for Feng-Shui lovers! Bonsai, in general, symbolizes harmony, peace and balance between nature and the soul and the individual.
Combining the philosophy of Feng Shui and Bonsai, we see many people turning to the art and faith of this philosophy and creating a perfect work environment in terms of a sense of harmony and peace, while encouraging higher levels of productivity and interaction both in on an individual level as well as in a group, but also at home, changing their daily life. Bonsai are essentially a copy of nature's trees, where due to their volume and their needs in their natural environment, it is impossible to fit in a garden, a yard or a balcony.
How to take care of Bonsai (General tips)
Correct choice of plants
Practically all plants can grow into an impressive bonsai however there are some species that can respond better especially if you are a beginner. It is important to choose a plant suitable for the climate of our area so that we can enjoy it for many years.
For those who want to buy bonsai for the first time, ideal varieties are considered Ficus, Zelkova and Carmona as they are considered very resistant plants and are very easy to grow.
Right Position
The next parameter we should consider is to place our plant in the right position. We should find a suitable spot where the growth of our plant will be favored and its beauty will be highlighted. We can place them inside our house as long as we have them away from heat sources such as fireplaces, air conditioning or radiators and above all we have them in ventilated areas but not exposed to air currents.
All bonsai, whether indoor or outdoor, should be safe, away from direct sunlight as it can cause burns to the leaves of our plant. Choose a bright spot near a window or door and if you have your bonsai outdoors choose a shady spot to keep it safe.
Good lighting of our plant is recommended, so it is wise to have it near a window and rotate it often so that all its parts receive the same natural light.
It is good for our bonsai to have a permanent place in the house and not to move around all the time!
When and how to transplant a bonsai plant?
A suitable time to transplant a bonsai is in early spring, before the growth period begins and when it is still in a state of dormancy.
Usually, plants that grow quite fast are transplanted into a larger bonsai pot every 2 years. Older bonsai, the most mature plants, are transplanted every 4-5 years.
We understand that a bonsai needs repotting when the roots gather in a circle around the plant, which we check at the beginning of each spring by removing the bonsai plant from the pot.
When transplanting bonsai, we usually remove 20-30% of the roots, cutting off rotten and dried parts of the root system.
How often do we water bonsai?
The most important care for bonsai is watering. We water the bonsai as soon as their soil starts to dry slightly. The bonsai needs enough watering until all the root system is well wet.
To do this we must water until the water starts to come out of the holes in the pot. In order to get a better result, in some cases it may be necessary to re-water a few minutes after watering. To water the bonsai, we use a watering can or watering gun that releases the water in the form of a shower so that the soil does not move away from the pot.
We use tap water to water the bonsai although the ideal is to collect and use rainwater that is free of salts.
High levels of humidity are deemed necessary for the maintenance of this tree. So, if your place has central heating or air conditioning (which reduces humidity levels), to effectively maintain your bonsai, you should spray its leaves with cool water once a day.
Do bonsai need fertilizer?
Most bonsai need fertilization during their growth from early spring to late fall. Regular trees can extend their roots to look for nutrients while bonsai planted in small pots need fertilizer to replace the nutrients in the soil.For bonsai, we use a balanced complete liquid fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in a relatively small ratio. We add the liquid fertilizer once a month, putting larger amounts during the spring and summer and less towards autumn. Larger trees usually have smaller needs for fertilizer and nutrients, although this also depends on the type of plant, the season and the general picture of our bonsai.
Shaping and styling techniques
When you have either bought or cultivated the bonsai tree, it's time to get started with shaping and styling it. This is the creative part of growing Bonsai trees, as well as the difficult part. Although it took a long time to refine techniques like pruning and wiring to keep trees miniaturized, some basics can be learned quite easily.
Let's begin with the single most important technique, pruning. Pruning is crucial in keeping trees miniaturized as well as to shape them. The purpose is to create a Bonsai that resembles nature as closely as possible. The spring and summer are the seasons to proceed with significant pruning – though this will depend on the type of tree you have. Though it is impossible to tell you which branches to prune to form your tree without actually seeing it, it helps to look at some example Bonsai progressions and start from there.
Another important technique to shape Bonsai trees is wiring. By wrapping anodized aluminum or copper carefully around branches it is possible to bend and shape them, at least to a certain extent. Wiring can be applied all year, but make sure to remove the wire before it starts scarring branches that grow thicker.
The truth is that bonsai care is complex and particular but at the same time they make rewarding gifts. Not only are they beautiful and artistic, they bring a little of nature into your own home.
In our bonsai category you will also find bonsai for begginners who would like to start dealing with the art of bonsai but does not have much time or does not yet have the necessary knowledge, to buy an indoor bonsai which are less sensitive to weather conditions and can last longer.