Roses are definitely considered to be the queen amongst flowers in the garden regardless of whether a garden is classic or modern, large or small. They are easy to grow and come in a diversity of shapes, colors and fragrances to excite the senses. A rambling rose trained up a wall or pergola, standard roses along a garden path, or rose bushes in a traditional rose bed are all stunningly beautiful. Rose plants will also thrive in pots and containers on the patio or balcony and, of course, delightfully scented roses are excellent for cutting and will surely be remarked upon. Rose bushes come in a variety of forms, from climbing roses to miniature plants, flowering mainly in early summer and fall.
Location of rose plant
First, choose the variety proven in your climate and place your plant at a right spot, which not only protects it but also promotes its growth.
In the garden, they are usually planted about 50 cm apart from each other. On the balcony, your rosewood will remain independent in its pot. If your balcony is small, be careful that you place it so that your rosewood thorns do not hurt as you pass.
Preparing the soil
The soil you will plant or transplant your rose will have to be rich in organic matter, retain moisture, but will not remain too moist. Generally the rose plant prefers soil with very good drainage, fertile and does not need stones. In the pot, we recommend mixing "open-air" soil with common garden soil and a little pumice.
Planting Tips
Rose bush needs a lot of sunshine. The sun helps in rich flowering. The perfect place to plant rose bushes is where they will receive a minimum of 5 to 6 hours of full sun per day. Morning sun is especially important because it dries the leaves, which helps prevent diseases. Roses grown in partial sun may not die at once, but they weaken gradually.
Wear gloves to protect your hands from prickly thorns. Have a hose or bucket of water and all your planting tools nearby. Soak bare-root roses in a bucket of water for 8-12 hours before planting. Prune each cane back to 3-5 buds per cane. Any cane thinner than a pencil should be removed.
When you plant the rose, be sure to dig a much bigger hole than you think you need and add plenty of organic matter such as compost or aged manure. Water the newly planted rose.
Roses should be planted about two-thirds of the expected height apart. Old garden roses will need more space, while miniature roses can be planted closer. Space between plants allows for good air circulation.
Watering Rose plants
Water the entire root area at least twice a week in dry summer weather. In the fall reduce the amount of water, but do not allow roses to completely dry out.
Rose plants love water—but don’t drown them. They don’t like to sit in water, and they’ll die if the soil is too wet in winter.
To maintain water, reduce stress, and encourage healthy growth, apply a layer of chopped and shredded leaves, grass clippings, or shredded bark around the base of your roses. Allow about 1 inch of space between the mulch and the base stem of the plant.
Roses can be cut back and moved in either spring or fall, but not in midsummer, as they might suffer and die in the heat. Large rose canes can be cut back by as much as two thirds, and smaller ones to within 6 to 12 inches of the ground.
Feeding Rose plants
Feed roses on a regular basis before and throughout the blooming cycle (avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides).
Once a month between April and July, apply a balanced granular fertilizer and sprinkle it around the drip line, not against the stem.
In May and June, add magnesium sulfate along with the fertilizer, it will encourage new growth from the bottom of the bush.
Banana peels are a good source of calcium, sulfur, magnesium, and phosphates—all things that roses like.
Clean up the rose beds to prevent diseases. One spray for fungus with a dormant spray is a good idea.
Stop fertilizing 6 weeks before the first autumn frost but continue watering during dry fall weather to help keep plants healthy during a dry winter.
Add mulch or compost around the roses after a few frosts but before the ground freezes.
Pruning Rose plants
The end of the winter or the beginning of spring is the ideal time for pruning your rosebush. Depending on the circumstance, you can prune your roses February or March. Not all types of roses are pruned the same way or at the same time of year.
Dwarf varieties and mini roses must always be pruned to remove stems that have given flowers to strengthen and maintain their shape. Remember that bushes and climbing roses need deep pruning.
Also, do not forget to regularly remove its over-cut flowers and dry branches, especially in the summer months.
Do not prune roses in the fall. Simply cut off any dead or diseased canes.
Here are some of the more common diseases:
In general, avoid rose problems by preferring disease-resistant varieties and cleaning up debris, weeds, fallen leaves and any diseased plant material as soon as possible.
Carefully take care of your rose plant and it will surely reward you with beautiful roses, wonderful colors, rich flowering and seductive scents.
If you do not already have a rose plant and you want to get one or give it to friends, business partners and family members, visit and choose the perfect rose bush for any occasion. We are waiting for you!
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