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Send flowers to Italy | online Florist

Yellow flowers in basket
Yellow flowers in basket
Sweet Pink Arrangement
Sweet Pink Arrangement
Elegant Bouquet
Elegant Bouquet
Joyous Bouquet with orange and yellow flowers
100.00 - 122.00

Birthday Flowers

Same day flower delivery

New Flowers & Gifts

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For orders until 20:00
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Over 80 countries

Send flowers to Italy | International flower delivery 

Italy is located in the heart of the Mediterranean and borders countries such as France, Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland. The culture and tradition of Italian cities such as Rome, Milan, Verona, Venice or Palermo have a glorious reputation all over the world. If a loved one, friend or relative lives in Italy and you want to send your wishes for an important occasion then choose a gift from the large collection of our e-shop to make this occasion even more special. Sending a gift to Italy is easy as we have safe and excellent services for the correct and fast delivery of your gift.From the historic capital Rome to modern Milan and from urban Milan to the full of galleries and museums Turin we can offer amazing flowers to your loved ones living all over Italy. Discover online the ideal gifts for birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas or New Year and more holidays.

There is no one in the whole world who does not love gifts! Whether for men or women, the elderly or children, everyone loves to receive gifts. A gift can bring a smile to any person. So make your orders from anthemionflowers and send your gifts in a few minutes through our e-shop at affordable prices with fast and secure delivery services!

Send flowers to Italy | International flower delivery 

Italy is located in the heart of the Mediterranean and borders countries such as France, Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland. The culture and tradition of Italian cities such as Rome, Milan, Verona, Venice or Palermo have a glorious reputation all over the world. If a loved one, friend or relative lives in Italy and you want to send your wishes for an important occasion then choose a gift from the large collection of our e-shop to make this occasion even more special. Sending a gift to Italy is easy as we have safe and excellent services for the correct and fast delivery of your gift.From the historic capital Rome to modern Milan and from urban Milan to the full of galleries and museums Turin we can offer amazing flowers to your loved ones living all over Italy. Discover online the ideal gifts for birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas or New Year and more holidays.

There is no one in the whole world who does not love gifts! Whether for men or women, the elderly or children, everyone loves to receive gifts. A gift can bring a smile to any person. So make your orders from anthemionflowers and send your gifts in a few minutes through our e-shop at affordable prices with fast and secure delivery services!