
When you want to express feelings of love, roses is the most romantic option. Send an impressive bouquet of red roses and surprise your partner. Say I love you with a romantic bouquet of pink roses on Valentine's Day or any day. Create your own roses bouquet in any color you wish. Just tell us the number of roses and the color you prefer. We will compose your bouquet and send it to the recipient, wherever he or she is. We deliver roses all over Greece and worldwide. Send roses in different colors, red, white, pink, yellow, orange.

And do not forget the leaves of the rose have the heart shape representing love and affection, and the thorns remind that love has its difficulties.

Minimum order quantity seven (7) roses.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift.



Send roses per stem to Greece

Price: 7.00
Minimum quantity 7 (49.00 )
Availability: IN STOCK
sku: GRAF600149
Available Quantity: 4832


When you want to express feelings of love, roses is the most romantic option. Send an impressive bouquet of red roses and surprise your partner. Say I love you with a romantic bouquet of pink roses on Valentine's Day or any day. Create your own roses bouquet in any color you wish. Just tell us the number of roses and the color you prefer. We will compose your bouquet and send it to the recipient, wherever he or she is. We deliver roses all over Greece and worldwide. Send roses in different colors, red, white, pink, yellow, orange.

And do not forget the leaves of the rose have the heart shape representing love and affection, and the thorns remind that love has its difficulties.

Minimum order quantity seven (7) roses.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift.

