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Send to your special recipient this bouquet with 6 dyed blue roses, grasses and gypsophylla. It is a unique gift they will always remember and making it, the perfect gift to celebrate a birthday, to congratulate someone or wishing to a sick friend to get well soon.


The flower bouquet is hand-tied respectively and prepared by our experienced florists. We guarantee the highest quality flowers, gifts and service for the special occasions in your life. Note that because of the lighting effects of each screen, actual colors may be slightly different from the product image.

Dyed roses are wonderful alternative to fresh roses. With the vibrant color it is a 100% natural rose that has been preserved to last for many months without the need for watering, light or attention. Please note that our roses are of excellent quality, long stemmed, big head and imported from Ecuador. Height: 60-70 cm.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Including wishing card with your personal message.



Bouquet of 6 blue roses

Free Shipping
Price: 38.00
Availability: IN STOCK
sku: AF800242


Send to your special recipient this bouquet with 6 dyed blue roses, grasses and gypsophylla. It is a unique gift they will always remember and making it, the perfect gift to celebrate a birthday, to congratulate someone or wishing to a sick friend to get well soon.


The flower bouquet is hand-tied respectively and prepared by our experienced florists. We guarantee the highest quality flowers, gifts and service for the special occasions in your life. Note that because of the lighting effects of each screen, actual colors may be slightly different from the product image.

Dyed roses are wonderful alternative to fresh roses. With the vibrant color it is a 100% natural rose that has been preserved to last for many months without the need for watering, light or attention. Please note that our roses are of excellent quality, long stemmed, big head and imported from Ecuador. Height: 60-70 cm.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Including wishing card with your personal message.

