Summer blooming plants and flowers

Summer flowers signal a golden season of bright sunny weather and warm climate. Nothing adds beauty to your landscape like splashes of colorful flowers. Many are old favorites and some may be new to you. Whether you want annual flowers that bloom all summer or continuous blooming perennials, they’re right here. We’ve put together a list of the top summer plants and flowers that beautify your landscape and require low maintenance.


Hydrangeas are just wonderful shrubs! It has large, brightly colored flowers that vary from white to blue to pink, as well as green leaves and produces flowers from early spring to late autumn. The exact color often depends upon the acidity or alkalinity of the soil.

Hydrangeas are easy to grow in well-drained soil, which should contain plenty of organic matter or humus. Hydrangeas can grow in full sun, need plenty of water, so plan to water thoroughly once per week or more frequently.

Although most Hydrangeas bloom in summer and fall, while few Hydrangeas have developed the ability to set new bloom buds in the spring after the old ones have been pruned off or damaged.

Pruning is the most essential factor in the growth of Hydrangeas.  Pruning should be done in summer as soon as the flowering season is over. When pruning, all the old flowering shoots should be removed down to the point on the stem where strong new growth is developing.

Care tips: In severe cold winter weather they should be covered.


Sunflowers are possibly one of the happiest, most cheerful blooms in the world that will always deliver big smiles. They dominate their environment in a very big way for height and dimension, and they add a big splash in any floral arrangement.

An annual plant, have big, daisy-like flower faces of bright yellow petals (and occasionally red) and brown centers that ripen into heavy heads filled with seeds.

Most sunflowers are remarkably tough and easy to grow as long as the soil is not waterlogged. Most are heat and drought tolerant. They make excellent cut flowers and many are attractive to bees and birds.


These old favorites are making a comeback in new avatars. Dahlias host a variety of different shapes and colors. But its distinct look is a ball-shaped flower head with clustered petals. Different types grow to different heights and sizes and even have different needs. Plant these flowers from seeds in front of taller varieties. Or, behind bedding plants for a cottage flower garden-inspired landscape!

Dahlias are colorful spiky flowers which generally bloom from midsummer to first colds. Though not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates, dahlias brighten up any sunny garden with a growing season that’s at least 120 days long. Dahlias also thrive in the cool and moist climates and are beautiful in a vase. The more you cut them the more they will bloom.


Give your garden an upgrade with begonias’ beauty and texture. These plants are long-blooming flowers that feature waxy leaves and thick clusters of pink, red, or white blooms nonstop throughout the summer. Many varieties grow equally well in sun or shade. Its resistance to drought makes begonias an ideal choice for low-maintenance landscapes.

One of the most versatile summer bedding plants, Begonias are well loved for their large blooms in a wide range of colors, and their ability to thrive in both sun and shade. Flowering continuously throughout summer up to the first frosts. Begonias are suitable for beds, borders, hanging baskets and window boxes. Some varieties even have dark leaves to add foliage interest to bedding schemes.


These sturdy, sun-loving plants are well suited to hot, dry conditions and flower all summer through to the first frosts. Geraniums are versatile bedding plants for summer and include trailing, climbing and upright varieties which are perfect for beds, borders, containers and hanging baskets. There are hundreds of species of geraniums that range in size, shape and color. The common geranium comes in shades of white, red and pink with many striking bi-colors, too.

Good geranium care is vital for long-lasting summer color of this popular bedding plant. These flowering plants can be grown outdoors in containers or indoors all year round. Combine them with other annuals flowers for a great summer display.


Surely the summer bedding plant with the most exciting blooms! Petunias are popular for their large trumpet flowers in a fantastic array of bright colors and patterns, including stripes and picotees.

Petunias grown as annuals have one of the longest flowering seasons, right from mid-spring to late fall.

The tiny seeds of petunias are a bit difficult to start indoors. Set them out in well-draining beds in a sunny location once all danger of frost has passed, or grow them in containers. They are excellent for hanging pots. Keep them happy with regular watering and feeding.


Marigolds are easy to grow and care for. They attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies and they drive out harmful insects. This is why you will see marigolds grown in vegetable gardens. Don’t think marigold only makes veggie plots look nice. They are beautiful summer flowers with a special purpose. They love warm weather and bloom continuously from spring until the first frost.

Marigolds are easily grown from seeds, but the seeds collected from hybrids may not give the expected results. Marigolds thrive in full sunshine and can often withstand very hot summers.

Though they grow in almost any soil, marigolds do best in moderately fertile, well-drained soil.


Hibiscus not only adds blooms of a variety of bright colors to your landscape, they’re also edible. Many people even make tea with hibiscus flowers.

Growing hibiscus is an easy way to add a tropical touch to your garden. When you know how to care for hibiscus plants, you will be rewarded with many years of lovely flowers.

Many people who are growing a hibiscus plant choose to do so in a container. This allows them to move the hibiscus plant to ideal locations, depending on the time of year. Provide the plants with at least six hours of sunlight, especially if you want to see those lovely blooms. Although warm, humid conditions are ideal for tropical hibiscus, you may want to provide a little afternoon shade when it’s overly hot. Always make sure that your growing hibiscus plant has excellent drainage.

Find at anthemionflowers stunning bouquets, plants and arrangements featuring all the sights and scents of the season. Our summer flower collection is full of color and fragrance creating the perfect gift for your loved one.