Common signs that your plants are dying

We all love houseplants but it is not always easy to maintain them. So, you may think you are doing everything right but watching your plants die without even realizing the reasons.

Indeed, if you do not want to see your plants wither, turn yellow and lose their brightness then you need to know what is bothering them. 

Plants need discipline - there are no specific "tricks" or a way to stay healthy. However, if you see that one (or more) of your houseplants are starting to "die", there are some ways to understand why and save them:

Excessive watering

If the leaves of your plant have turned yellow, the soil is wet and you see roots growing at the bottom, it means that you water it too much. If your plant belongs to the cacti or succulents, put them in the sun that will dry it quickly. Stop watering it for about a week and then start again, depending on how much water they need. Plants such as ferns need moisture for a while and when you see that the soil dries, water them again immediately.

Little watering

If the leaves look down and fall, it means that you are not watering your plant as much as it should. The goal is for the water to distribute evenly in the soil and allow it to dry completely before re-watering. Also, most indoor plants are tropical, so they need lukewarm water, not ice or too hot. Usually a plant needs about a quarter to a third of the volume of the pot.

More or less light

When sunlight goes through the window, it usually does not cause much damage to indoor plants. However, there are plants, which prefer less light and can burn if left in the sun for a long time. A sign that they are burning is the discolored leaves. Plants that need more light may try to expand towards the light source or their leaves may begin to fall off. In general, most indoor plants need medium to sufficient light.

Right amount of fertilizer

If you put too much fertilizer on your plant, then the edges of the leaves or the whole leaves may turn brown or black and then fall off completely, very quickly. Less fertilizer means the plant will simply stop growing. Add exactly the fertilizer that the plant species needs, and no more.


Dry air can cause great damage to indoor plants. Your plants need to be away from radiators, stoves, air conditioners and vents. If you have a dehumidifier, then you can put them near them. If not, you can spray them with water very often.

What are the signs that my plants need care?

A plant can lift up our mood and fill our home with positive energy. But it needs care and attention, because it is a living organism that can get sick. Plants do not just need watering. They need care and attention, as well as protection from disease.

There are several causes that cause problems to our plants so see below some signs showing that your plant is about to “die”:

Leaves that wither

Check how dry the soil of your plant is. Put your finger in the soil (watch out for the roots) and if you feel it dry, your plant needs watering. If the soil is not dry, and the withered leaves also turn yellow, the roots may be infected. Check them and see if they are brittle and moldy, there is a problem. Cut the damaged roots and some leaves and replant.

The plant or the soil does not retain water

This means either that the roots of your plant have grown too big for the pot (see if they are too dense and stuck together), or that the soil has become hydrophobic. If this happens, then it means that the soil has remained dry for too long. Soak the whole pot in a bucket of water for a while.

The edges of the leaves turn brown

If you have recently added fertilizer to your plant, this is a sign that you have overdone it. Alternatively, check the origin of the plant species you have. If it is from a tropical climate, it is accustomed to much higher humidity in the atmosphere, and the drier climate is somewhat uncomfortable for it. Be careful, this does not mean that they want extra watering than normal. It means that it would be good to spray its leaves with a little water.

Burnt | Dry leaves at the edges

Most of the indoor plants will show such symptoms if they do not receive the moisture they need. Start by increasing the humidity of your plant. Once in a while, give your plant a spray of water or place it on a layer of pebbles and enough water so that it does not come in direct contact with the pot.

Dry edges can be a sign that your plant is not getting the sunshine it needs. Especially if it appears on leaves that don't get enough sun, then maybe it is time to move this plant to a place where it will receive more time of sunshine and evenly. 

Caution: Not getting enough sunshine does not necessarily mean that you should place your plant in the brightest part of your space. We are interested in more hours of sunshine, so look for places in your home or office where it can get more sunlight during the day, even in indirect light.

“Throw leaves”

As dramatic as it may seem at first, the fact that your favorite houseplant "throws" its leaves can be perfectly normal. Plants such as Ficus and Monstera shed some of their leaves during the winter, when they go into dormancy, or when they are transported to a new location with different sunshine and temperature conditions. 

If this is an isolated phenomenon or the above conditions are met, you do not need to worry. It's just the way your plant adapts to the new environment and it will come back quickly.

Otherwise the possible reason for that situation may be:

Insufficient sunshine: Your plant does not receive enough light to retain all its leaves. Try to place it gradually in a place that receives more sunshine for a longer time.

Container size: If you notice fallen leaves in combination with the appearance of a rhizome on the surface or at the bottom of the pot, it is a sign that it is time to transplant this indoor plant.

Proper watering: Water your plant either more or less than you need. Some indoor plants will get to the point of "talking" to you if they are not watered as they would like! Proper watering will again lead to new and healthy leaves.

Leaves that turn yellow

Another common symptom that afflicts many indoor plants is the yellow leaves. The most probable causes that lead to the yellowing of the leaves of your favorite plant have to do again with watering and the sun.

Yellowing is a very normal sign of leaves that have grown. But if it happens to young leaves, and it happens a lot, then the problem is that your plant may be getting too much sun. 

If you notice the leaves of your plant turn yellow from the side where the sun sees them less, it may be a sign that your plant is not receiving the sunshine it needs. Start easily by rotating the pot of your plant, so that all sides receive the coveted sunshine evenly. If this does not work in 20-30 days, try an even brighter spot or look for cold air currents that can "freeze" your favorite plant!

Alternatively, yellowing can mean either you have watered it too much or you are not watering it at all. All indoor plants have specific needs for watering, which in fact change depending on the season. Although it is necessary to check the soil before watering, we often fall into the temptation to over water our plants. It is a pity, because this will cause the roots of your favorite plant to drown, which in turn will cause its leaves to turn yellow.

For more details on regulating humidity, watering and sunshine levels, visit Buy great indoor and outdoor plants for you and your loved ones. Choose the right plant for you from the wide variety of flowering, green or lovely plant arrangements


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