The Best Plants for Each Room PART I

Indoor plant decoration provides a pleasant and tranquil environment where you can work, relax and live, but there are also various health benefits that accompany the aesthetically pleasing plants. If you’re looking to freshen up your space but also purify the air you breathe, here is a list of the best houseplants for every room in your home. You have to consider the light and temperature conditions of any place before picking the right plant.



Plants, especially in the bedroom, will improve your sleep environment and your health in general. The following plants are wonderfully suited for the bedroom, where they could help you enjoy a good and healthy sleep!


Sansevieria plant, also known as snake plant or as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is a natural air purifier. It is a great plant to have in the bedroom because it can convert carbon dioxide to oxygen during the night improving the air around you so that you sleep better. It is also known to remove some harmful chemicals from the air. It develops hard, thick, like swords leaves in yellow or white color. Place it in moderately bright or filtered light. Although the plant tolerates low light, bright light brings out the colors in the leaves. Protect the plant from drafts and cold temperatures. Allow the soil to dry completely before watering, and then water deeply until water drips through the drainage hole. Like most succulent plants that store water in their leaves, it rots quickly in excessively wet soil.

Lavender is a beautiful, fragrant plant that contains healing properties which benefit both the body and the soul. It is known as a natural medicine for sleeping and relaxing. Lavender has been proven to lower heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels, which is why it’s perfect for the bedroom. It’s one of the most renowned plants that help you sleep. Lavender is used to relieve headaches and help with depression. It must have plenty of light so place it in direct sunlight. Remember to keep the soil moist and rotate your pot every couple of days to allow for even light distribution on the leaves. Like most plants, lavender doesn’t like wet soil. Use pebbles or rocks in the drain pan of potted plants to keep moisture available, but not allowing the plant to soak in it. The lavender plant likes warmth and sunlight, so ensure to place it on a sunny windowsill and water sparingly.

Spider plant also known as a "plane", is a beautiful indoor plant, which is considered to be easy to maintain and fast-growing.  Look great in hanging pots and baskets. It has the ability to "filter" the air of the bedroom, to clean the pollutants and harmful substances in the atmosphere, leaving the space clean. It is a plant that does not need much care and is non-toxic to your pets. Like most indoor plants, we avoid putting it in places with high heat, fireplaces, and cold air-conditioning, as sudden temperature changes can ruin it very quickly. Provide it with well-drained soil and bright, indirect light and they will flourish. It can be grown in shade or partial sun, hot or cool temperatures. Spider plant does not require the high humidity that some house plants prefer. Water them well but do not allow the plants to become too soggy, which can lead to root rot. In fact, spider plants prefer to dry out between watering. Lighting should be bright indirect light and it will tolerate some sun.

Philodendron is a decorative and quite low-maintenance plant.  The big leaves make it decorative and it deserves its own special place where it can develop its unique beauty. The Philodendron plants are able to sequester pollutants like formaldehyde and clean the room air. These pollutants are gathered by the aerial roots and big leaves. Since the leaves are big they absorb moisture and release it as clean oxygen into the room. Philodendron loves half-shaded and without direct sun location. Despite its tropical origins, this plant is tolerant of dry air, although it appreciates occasional misting. Brown leaf tips are a symptom of dry air. Keep its leaves clean by wiping them with a damp cloth. They also don’t like to dry out and enjoy their leaves being sprayed. Keep soil lightly moist spring through fall. Allow surface to dry out between watering in winter. Yellow leaves are caused by overwatering.  

Areca palm is another great option for the bedroom. It is extremely effective at cleaning the air in your bedroom and it can produce up to a liter of water every 24 hours, which is perfect if you have asthma, allergies, or other breathing complications. In addition to its air purification abilities, it also helps maintain indoor humidity levels. It likes direct sun, but the leaves can scorch so be sure it isn’t in an area which receives the hottest sun of the day. The Areca palm can do with a little dryness, but don’t let it dry out completely. It is non-toxic to people and pets. This plant can become quite large if placed in a large growing container. Make sure that the plant is in a well draining pot because sitting in water will cause the roots to rot. If you overwater the palm and there is no place for the water to drain, it is likely that the plant will die. Also, this plant does not like water that has chemicals in it, so use distilled water whenever possible. High humidity is also recommended to keep the leaf tips from turning brown.

Orchids, succulents and bromeliads are a three-in-one since they're working on the same principal, namely, increasing air quality at night. When photosynthesis stops after sun goes down, most plants switch things up and begin absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. However, orchids, succulents and bromeliads go rebellious and take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the evening hours, making them great plants to keep the air fresh at night. You don't need to do much to keep these plants healthy and thriving. With just a little attention and appropriate lighting, watering, and temperature, you will enjoy the plants for many months to come.


Living room

Since the living room is the heart of the house and one of the first rooms viewed by visitors it’s one of the best places for placing plants. Indoor plants will help bring a little nature into your living space and cleans the air as they add beauty to the decor.


Jade or Crassula is a popular plant that doesn't need much attention at all. Native to South Africa grows naturally in dry conditions and has thick fleshy leaves to hold the moisture which it needs. During the hot summer, protect these indoor houseplants from the hot noon sun. Keep it in a sunny location but it will also tolerate less light. It can survive for long periods without water. Water once a month or when the top of soil is dry. Good drainage is a must and water can never be allowed to stand around the roots. Poor drainage and over watering will cause the roots to rot and is one of the most common ways of killing it. It branches naturally, so it doesn't need pruning. It is a popular plant which attracts good luck, fortune, and prosperity. It boosts the oxygen levels and therefore brings a fresh feel to any house. It can be used for a home decor purpose as well as for limiting the negativity and stress all around. When your home breathes well, then you will naturally feel fresh and energetic. It’s smooth, round leaves symbolizes vitality and is known as a “lucky” or “money” plant in feng shui.

Dracaena plant comes from the tropical countries of Africa and is particularly popular in lounges and business areas as it has the ability to survive even in places with little light. It is considered one of the plants that clean the air by absorbing toxic substances such as benzene and formaldehyde (found in wallpaper, curtains and carpets) creating a healthier environment to breathe. Although moderate natural lighting is ideal, you'll also find it survives and grows well enough in low light conditions. Just keep it away from any cold or hot drafts and away from heaters and air conditioner vents. There are many dracaena varieties, to choose your next houseplant. If dracaena gets too tall and lanky, you can prune the top off. Most types will become bushier. If your dracaena has brown leaf tips, try boosting the humidity, dry air or soil that stays dry too long, can cause the leaves to develop this problem. Dracaena grows slowly, so it can fit in a particular space for a long time without requiring much maintenance. This plant with its deep green foliage adds a tropical feel and is sure to bring a touch of elegance to your living room no matter what your style.

Pothos plant requires minimal attention and can enliven your space with color and texture. Have many common names, including: golden pothos, marble queen pothos, money plant, and devil’s ivy (because it’s nearly impossible to kill and stays alive even when kept in the dark). Its purifying qualities allow it to absorb and strip toxins like formaldehyde often found in common household items like carpet and area rugs. It can survive in a variety of lighting conditions, it can even tolerate low light, but moderate indoor light is ideal. Because of the way it grows, this plant is perfect for hanging baskets or as a climbing plant. These plants are extremely easy to look after, needing only a little sun and watering once a week. It's a highly drought-tolerant plant, but prefers being watered about once every one to two weeks. When watering, let the soil soak completely until the water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. It grows well in shady areas, with some filtered sunlight.

Caution: All parts of the plant are poisonous and can cause irritation to the tongue, throat and lips, so keep it away from children and pets.

Chamaedorea or Bamboo Palm is an evergreen indoor plant in the form of a small palm tree. Originally from Mexico and Central America, it is a plant that grows slowly and reaches up to 3 meters high. It is a low-maintenance plant which also rates highly on NASA’s list of air purifying plants. It was found to filter harmful toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, resulting in cleaner and healthier air to breathe in. It likes to have consistently moist soil, but should never sit in wet or soggy soil.  The best thing you can do for this plant is to water it with distilled water, or even better, with rainwater. It will thrive in low light conditions, although they will grow taller with more light and should be kept away from cold drafts, such as entryways or windows. Also, keep them away from air conditioning units or heaters. It has been used in Asia for thousands of years as a symbol of good luck, wealth, growth and success. This plant loves shade, lots of water, and can tolerate low temperatures, making it an ideal plant for indoor and outdoor environments. It lives happily in most light conditions and brings elegance to any room.

Peace lily or spathiphyllum is one of the most popular indoor plants known for its glossy green leaves and elegant white flowers. It is a very easy plant to grow, it is tolerant of shady conditions and the nice thing about it is that they produce flowers all year round. It adapts well to low-light conditions and make it ideal for placement in the living room, sitting next to a chair or by a window. This lovely plant not only brightens up a living space, but also has the ability to clean air from toxic substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide. It is also ideal for homes and offices where there are smokers because it clears the atmosphere from nicotine. It needs moisture, but also good drainage. It has moderate water needs and keeps the soil moist. If watering more often, roots can be rotted and plant destroyed. Place it in a place where the sun does not see it directly, so that it does not burn on its leaves, and set the temperature above 12 degrees Celsius. The added benefit of a peace lily is that it can increase room humidity, making it great for breathing while asleep. In addition, it is important to clean the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and insects that are probably installed. With its exotic beauty, this indoor plant will add an elegant touch to every space.


Indoor plants don't just look good they also reduce air pollution and increase oxygen levels. Find at the perfect plant for your house or your special recipient and delight them.



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