The Best Plants for Each Room PART III

Whether you’re searching for greenery for the office room or a high-humidity room like the bathroom, you’ll be sure to find something to freshen up your space. Choose the best plant for every room from our list which will provide you with specific benefits while looking stylish. 


The bathroom has the most diverse environment of any room. It goes from cold to hot and humid in just a0 few minutes that’s why you have to pick plants that are fond of high humidity. Hanging plants or tabletop greenery are great options for the bathroom area.

Ferns are an evergreen, tropical plant with light green leaves. Their feathery fronds make them a beautiful sight to see when they’re placed in a hanging basket. However, make sure you keep these plants far from the top of the ceiling to allow proper air circulation. They are perfect for indoor decoration, since its main feature is its durability and it adjusts well to dark spaces. They are ideal plants great for purifying the air and are safe for pets. It is considered to be the best performing plant in the elimination of pollutants and toxic substances. They also tend to grow faster than other tropical plants if they’re getting enough light. If the leaves are damaged, you can take them off and the fern will replace them relatively quickly. Bright, indirect light with no more than a few hours exposure to direct sunlight is ideal for this plant. Tolerant of low light, but growth may be slow or non-existent. It is a plant that needs plenty of water. Water weekly or more if the plant needs it.  Soil can be perpetually moist, but not sopping-wet. Water more frequently during warmer months and drier months and fertilize during growth periods. Ferns love water, so they can handle a bit of overwatering. Ferns prefer more humidity than most houses provide so you will want to mist them daily or keep them in your bathroom near the sink or shower.

Chinese evergreen or Aglaonema plant is one of the easiest and best-looking houseplants to have in your home. They are easy care houseplants with beautiful foliage in a variety of patterns and colors. They can survive in most rooms in the house regardless of light levels. Pick the Chinese evergreen if you have a particularly small or dark bathroom. It will thrive even if you forget to water and feed it. It is a plant that adapts easily to different conditions and can also be placed in relatively dark places, without watering more than once a week. It is advisable not to leave the soil completely dry for many days, because the plant can wither, as well as no overwater it because its roots can be rotten. Good drainage helps it a lot, so in the bottom of the pot add a layer of gravel. It prefers low light and semi-shaded parts. The best spot for this plant is next to the shower. Generally, it is a very resistant plant, does not need special care, and is almost immune to disease. It can help remove formaldehyde from the atmosphere (usually containing in cosmetics). It loves humidity, but cannot handle cold temperatures or drafts.

Phalaenopsis orchid also known as the ‘moth orchid’ is a tropical plant that flourishes in a damp environment. It does not need much light and can withstand humidity and high temperatures. The steam and heat from your bathroom shower will keep the plant hydrated and warm. To give these orchids their required humidity, stand the pot on a tray of pebbles. Fill the tray with water so the plant is in a humid zone. The pebbles keep the pot from sitting in water, which could lead to rotting or fungal problems. Mist the plant on very hot days. It is a plant that is beneficial in many ways. It is ideal to create a relaxed atmosphere in your bathroom. Absorbs the moisture in the bathroom and reduces the appearance of bacteria and generally cleans the bathroom air. It creates a feeling of tranquility and adding color and elegant beauty. It prefers sunny bathrooms, so if your bathroom doesn’t have any windows, you should take your plant out of the room for part of the day. Place it in another area of the home with indirect sunlight. Rotating your plant between the bathroom and another room of your house also discourages mold growth from too much moisture. Wipe over the broad leaves with a damp cloth to remove any dust or grime.  Also watch for mealy bug, a white sap-sucking insect that feeds in the base of the plant, under leaves or that may infest the roots.

English Ivy is great plant for adding some greenery to your bathroom. You can even hang this one from the ceiling if you don’t have a lot of space. Water them often enough to keep the soil moist until the plants are established and growing. These vines grow best when they have plenty of moisture, but they tolerate dry conditions once established. If you are looking for just a simple bit of foliage to make your bathroom feel more homely, then this is the plant for you. The English ivy can grow to cover as much space as you let it. One fascinating thing about this plant is that it’s considered vital for those who suffer from asthma and severe allergies to have it in their home and office. It helps to decrease inflammation and mucous in the respiratory tract. English Ivy is simple to grow. It only requires a little indirect sunlight and thrives on average indoor temperatures. The soil should be kept moist, but not wet. It does like a slightly drier soil in the winter because of its growing cycles.

Be aware: the English ivy is poisonous and can be a skin irritant. Keep it up high where pets or children can’t reach it.

Bromeliads come in many forms and colors, but whichever you choose, you’ll love how it will add a touch of the tropics to your bathroom. It is a family of tropical plants that all need the same thing, which is filtered water, abundant moisture and a warm climate. Bromeliads are low care plants and watering is easy too: simply pour water, preferably distilled, into the rosette. Just be sure to empty it out weekly as the stagnant water can attract bugs.  We water when the soil is almost dry from the last time we dug it. In the winter we will need to reduce the watering frequency compared to the summer. The right place for each plant should be in a bright or semi-shaded spot in our house that will not directly receive the sun's rays there and will be the relative humidity in the atmosphere.

Home office

There are plants that create a healthy environment in your workplace by eliminating the air pollutants and absorbing many toxic substances in the air. Find the right low-maintenance plants below, which can decorate your office at home, while increasing your creativity, improving your health and changing your mood.

Aspidistra is a popular foliage house plant, originated in the forests of South Asia, which will help you to add a bit of tropical charm inside your home. It's very tough so it doesn't require intensive care. Its leaves are greenish, long-stemmed and depending on the species they may have white streaks. It is an ideal plant for dark spots in your home such as office and reception areas that do not have windows. The dashboard reaches a height of up to 1 meter. It grows almost everywhere, it needs some light and is not disturbed either by the drafts or by the dry air. A cool place would be ideal, but it also tolerates the heat. Clean it regularly from the dust and do not water it very often. In the spring and summer you can throw a little fertilizer.

Dieffenbachia is a classic indoor plant that requires little care and comes in many shapes and sizes to fit your office. With impressively glossy, rounded or more oblong leaves in white-yellow shades, it reaches a height of one meter. Most varieties love bright to moderate light. Filtered light is particularly important when light is too bright or shines directly on the plant. Rotate the dieffenbachia regularly to provide adequate light to all sides of the plant and prevent it from reaching toward the light on one side. Some dieffenbachia plants require low filtered light. Most cultivars do fine with a low light environment; however, growth is slower or stops, but the plant will remain healthy and attractive. Water lightly, keeping the soil consistently moist, but not soggy. To avoid overwatering your plant, let its soil get quite dry before completely drenching it again. Dieffenbachia also does best with pots with drainage, as root rot. If you notice your Dieffenbachia leaves are yellowing and dropping off the bottom, it’s likely that the plant is consuming too much water. If the plant is rotting at the base, it may be overwatered, as well. Dieffenbachia reduces atmospheric pollutants, especially formaldehyde.

Caution: Dieffenbachia is considered to be dangerous plant for dogs, for cats even for children as it contains a poisonous toxic enzyme in the leaves that if eaten causes swelling of the throat and tongue.

Croton with its exotic appearance is the ideal plant for the office. It is an impressive plant originated from the exotic Pacific islands and Malaysia. There are many varieties with different types of leaves such as long, flat, narrow, wide and curled in color combinations of yellow, green, red and orange. It grows in a bushy form and when planted in a pot, it can reach a height of 1-1.5 meters. The ideal temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius, enough watering and a lot of humidity in the environment because otherwise the leaves will fall, will have dull colors and the edges of the leaves will dry out. You will need to water your plant rather frequently during the growing season. They require the soil to be constantly moist, so when the top begins to feel dry, the plant must be watered again. During the winter season, the watering requirements will decrease, so be careful not to overwater your plants. Croton plant requires six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day to produce gorgeous yellow, red, and purple foliage. It is best to position a croton plant in an east or west window to ensure that it gets enough sunlight. Crotons tend to grow best in a warm environment. Colder temperatures or chilly drafts of air can cause the plant to lose its leaves, and it is possible that it may even die.

Kalathea is a perennial indoor plant, originating from Brazil that impresses with its large glossy leaves and will give an exotic air to your office. It is one of the plants that have the property of cleaning the air in the space they are in. Absorbs part of the harmful gases and releases the benefits. It closes its leaves at night and opens them again in the morning! This is the reason that Calathea is also called the ‘living plant’. It grows near bright spots without coming into contact with sunlight because it will cause burns in the foliage. It needs a high humidity environment, protected from air drafts. Place it in a pot filled with gravel or pebbles at the base to help with better drainage. Clean once a week with a damp cloth the leaves, to remove the dust that sits above and so keep its foliage healthy.

Anthurium is one of the most popular and impressive indoor plants, known for its heart-shaped flowers and glossy green leaves. This exotic plant, originated in Central and South America, will add some color to your workplace. Anthuriums need a high light but not direct sunlight. It can tolerate all levels of indirect light, but growing in low light will have fewer flowers and will grow slower. It grows best in bright, indirect light. Anthurium prefers drought and high-humidity environments. It does not need excess watering. We water it when the soil dries. Fill a sprinkler with lukewarm water and spray the leaves regularly, especially on the hottest and driest days. So it gets the moisture it needs and becomes livelier. Carefully remove the dust from the leaves with a cloth dampened with lukewarm water.

Browse at a range of house plants including exotic Palms, Cacti, Succulents, green, flowering plants and many more. They make great gifts for your loved ones or perfect to decorate your own house.