Autumn is a time of rich colors. Everywhere dominates the intense orange, the red or golden shades. Fallen leaves dominate by giving their tone to the color palette of the landscape. Warm colors and blooming flowers can particularly satisfy our senses at this time of year.
Many varieties of annual or perennial plants bloom at this time, enhancing our garden environment. Blooming flowers with intense blue or purple colors can be combined with blooming white, yellow and brown flowers creating a beautiful contrast.
Autumn is the right time to plant tulips, daffodils and other bulbs, but of course do not forget to plant the amazing winter pansies for additional shades.
Pansies will give your garden color from mid-December through January and will continue to have flowers when the spring arrives. Wonderfully versatile and heavy blooming, pansies are perhaps the perfect fall flower. Plant pansy in the fall and in many areas, they come back to bloom again in the spring.
Below are the most popular types of plants you should have in your garden if you are looking to have some autumn-blooming flowers:
1. Dahlias shine during autumn since they are in their element during this season. These multi-layered flowers come in a variety of stunning colors. To enjoy the sight of these flowers during autumn, new dahlia tubers should be planted in August. In February, dead flowers should be removed so that they will bloom well throughout autumn. Dahlias thrive best in wet and dry tropical areas.
2. Alyssums known as the “carpet of snow”. Grow for its beautiful fragrance, sweet alyssum creeps along the ground creating a carpet of color in the fall. Or use it in containers to spill over the edges like a waterfall. Either way, the effect in enchanting! Sweet alyssum tolerates cool weather well, and can bloom all fall and winter long in mild areas.
3. Marigolds come in rich yellow, cream, lemon, gold, orange, and reddish-brown colors, creating the ideal flowers to brighten any garden. The two most popular varieties of marigold are French and African. French marigolds are smaller and have small flowers as well. The African variety, on the other hand, is taller and produces large flowers. They are very easy to grow and can be planted almost anywhere and all year round, particularly in the warm areas.
4. Celosia provides bright yellow, orange, red, and deep burgundy purple accents to your container gardens.
5. Purple fountain grass even it is not a flower, is the ideal accent for other fall flowers. Its burgundy-purple foliage pairs perfectly with other colors.
6. Croton is ideal for autumn season. A houseplant in cold-weather regions (or a shrub in frost-free areas), it also grows well as an annual. Enjoy its fancy foliage in rich shades of red, orange, yellow, and purple. Look for different varieties to find the perfect croton for your fall plantings.
7. Flowering Kale, also known as flowering cabbage, this is one of the toughest plants for fall. It holds up well to frosty temperatures and looks good all winter long in mild-winter areas! Kale offers great color and texture and pairs well with just about every fall flower.
8. Aster is a beautiful fall perennial in many regions, but it’s an outstanding annual, too. Flowering in shades of purple, pink, white, and blue, aster is one of the best plants to feed hungry bees and butterflies in autumn.
9. Dianthus offers beautiful flowers and wonderful fragrances. Be sure to plant dianthus where you can enjoy their great scent! You’ll find dianthus in a range of colors, from white and pink to red and purple, so there’s sure to be an ideal variety for your look.
10. Calendula may remain blooming throughout the winter, adding golden-yellow touches to the garden.
Let's talk about some of the most beautiful autumn flowers that can beautify our balconies and make our garden look like a little paradise.
Its name means the flower of gold, and is in its glories mainly in October. Because of their popularity, you can find these fall flowers in a wide variety of sizes. Look for dainty mini-mums in tiny 2-inch-wide pots or giants that can grow about 1 meter across. Its origin is said to be from the Far East, China and Japan. The Dutch first brought it to Europe where it has been cultivated for many years, while in Greece there is rarely a garden or balcony without chrysanthemum.
Camellia is a wonderful evergreen shrub plant, with glossy green-green foliage. Like gardenia, azalea and rhododendron, camellia is a calcareous plant, it requires acidic soil rather than alkaline.
It is preferable to let the soil dry between the watering.
Your balcony is empty if you do not have at least one hibiscus. The exact country of origin of Hibiscus has not been identified, probably China, and hence the fact that it is also known as the "Chinese pomegranate." Originating from the Far East or not, hibiscus is a wonderful plant that thrives both on the soil and the flower pot - ideal for garden and balcony. A properly developed hibiscus, it needs a lot of water. Use your fingers to check the soil moisture and water just when the ground is dry.
There are many different species of anemones but the ones that offer beautiful color through autumn are the Japanese types. You can find single or semi-double varieties and when it comes to growing them, they seem to do best in a good garden soil with a shaded or part-shaded position. Once they’ve made themselves at home they will readily spread.
Autumn is the right time to take care of your perennial and annual plants or plant new ones. Plant them as early as possible in autumn so you can have enough time for your plants to develop new roots before freezing conditions of winter.
Care tips
Remove the old flowers to keep your annual and perennial plants blooming until the first frosts. Do not fertilize this time of the year to avoid the forced growth of new plants.
With the right gardening plan, you can have a home surrounded by attractive, colorful, and vibrant flowers all year round. Even during winter, you can have a gorgeous and lively looking balcony or garden as long as you order at the perfect plants that bloom during autumn.