Alstroemeria Flower

Meaning of the Alstroemeria Flower

The exotic Alstroemeria is also called the Peruvian Lily. This is a reference to its natural habitat: the mountain ranges of the Andes in Peru, Brazil and Chile. The flower was discovered by the Swedish scientist Baron Claus von Alstromer. It was he who gave the flower its current name.

Alstroemeria has green, deciduous, narrow lance-shaped leaves, running from the bottom to the top of the flower stems. Its flowers are showy, lily-shaped, appear in clusters at the top of the stems and they are not fragrant. But they have the size, shape and variety of colors to impress. Each of the Alstroemeria’s six petals represents different important characteristics: understanding, humor, patience, empathy, commitment and respect. Some people believe that keeping these flowers in their houses will attract new friends into their lives.

Symbolism of the Alstroemeria Flower

There are many symbolic characteristics related to the alstroemeria flower. Some of them are friendship, devotion, fortune, wealth, and more.

The symbolism of the alstroemeria flower is related to friendship. This symbolism has existed since many years ago and it is associated with mutual support between two people. In most cases these people are friends or members of the family. If a friend is going through a very difficult period and you want to show your support, then you should gift your friend with this flower.

The alstroemeria flower symbolizes devotion, so you can give this flower to someone you love, but not in a romantic sense. If you have a person who is very important in your life, then we recommend you to give her/him this beautiful flower.

If someone is starting a new chapter in life, an alstroemeria flower would be a great gift for that person. This way you will show your affection toward that person.

The alstroemeria flower can also be related to the search for new friends. The alstroemeria flower has positive vibrations, so it will attract new people not only in your home, but also in your life.

The alstroemeria flower can also help you survive many difficulties that you have. This flower is reminding us to be strong and not to give up.

Receiving alstroemeria flowers from your loved ones, it will have a special symbolism. It will mean that you should follow your dreams and believe in yourself. You have to achieve your own goals, not only in material, but also in a spiritual sense.

Colors of the Alstroemeria Flower

If you are interested in the symbolism of flowers, then you certainly know that the same flower can have different meanings when it appears in different colors. Find below the symbolism of all alstroemeria colors.

Red or pink alstroemeria is the symbol of affection and love that you have towards your friends. Of course, a red or pink alstroemeria flower can be a symbol of romantic feelings as well.

Orange alstroemeria is usually a symbol of the goals and aspirations that you have in your life. It can also symbolize positive energy, so if you want to make someone happy, you can choose to send this color.

Purple alstroemeria flower is related to uniqueness and elegance, so if you think that someone of your friends is special and beautiful, then this purple alstroemeria could make a nice gift for that person.

A yellow alstroemeria flower can symbolize joy and happiness, so you can use it to decorate any house or office place.  

White alstroemeria flower is a symbol of spiritual life and purity. Because of that you can use this flower for wedding decoration or sympathy gifts.

Alstroemeria is working well in borders combined with other plants, producing fantastic flowers in a wide range of colors from June through to October every year. They also look great on their own, as a filler flower for arrangements and make impressive displays for containers or as cut flowers that can be displayed inside.


Plant alstroemerias in a sheltered site in part shade or full sun, any time between May and August in rich soil. Good watering and drainage is necessary.

In the garden:

Alstroemerias will flower best in full sun but as they need protection from the strong afternoon sun an east-facing position is best. For best results, plant them in well-fertilized and nutrient-rich soils. It’s also advisable to keep them well mulched.

In pots:

Alstroemerias are perfect for growing in pots and can be kept as house plants if you can provide them with a cool space and sufficient sun. Always select a wide container that will allow room for growth as alstroemerias don’t like their roots to be restricted. They’ll also need to be fed and watered more often than those planted in the garden.

Pests and diseases

As long as you keep the alstroemeria plant healthy and well watered it is much less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases. Sometimes slugs and snails can be a problem.

Cut alstroemerias

If you want to enjoy alstroemerias for longer time follow the below steps:

Cut the stalks diagonally and remove the bottom leaves to avoid touching the water

Arrange alstroemerias in a clean vase with fresh water and a food for the flowers

Avoid direct contact central heating, the sun, or fruits

Remove the wilted flowers and change the water regularly in the jar

The longevity, durability and colorful varieties have made them one of the favorite flowers in the world. Alstroemeria's flowers would make a great addition to any place and a great gift to celebrate any occasion. Choose your favorite alstroemeria arrangement in many different colors from Anthemion flower shop and deliver smiles of happiness.



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