Aloe! The Wonder Plant.
Aloe is a succulent, evergreen perennial plant that probably originates from Africa but grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. The therapeutic and cosmetic properties of aloe have been known to the ancient peoples for more than 3,000 years. It is found in many consumer products including beverages, skin lotion, cosmetics, or ointments for minor burns and sunburns. There is scientific evidence of the effectiveness or safety of Aloe extracts for either cosmetic or medicinal purposes.
Everybody says that if you have an aloe plant in your house you have a natural pharmacy, available at any time, in case of burning, cutting and many other purposes. The aloe plant is consisted almost exclusively of water. Specifically, 96% of the plant is water. The rest consists of active therapeutic and miraculous ingredients such as oils, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and glycoproteins all of which support the healthy immune system, soothe and cleanse the digestive tract, and support the circulatory system.
Aloe is one of the strongest sources of vitamins E and C and a unique plant source of vitamin A (retinol). At the same time it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as B complex vitamins, tannins, oils, fatty acids (oleic and linoleic) and many amino acids.
What is it that makes Aloe so unique? The famous gel is in the aloe leaf and is ready to heal you whenever you need it. Simply remove the green bark from the leaf and what is left is the transparent and gelatinous pulp containing the unique and miraculous gel. One of the most common is using aloe’s inner leaf gel as a topical remedy for burns and sunburns, cuts, and other skin irritations. This inner-leaf gel can also be consumed for collagen support, as a digestive aid, its immune supporting properties, and many other superfood benefits.
The aloe gel contains more than 200 therapeutically active ingredients. The most important ingredient, however, is resin, which gives it this unique healing property. The resin is this dry substance left after the gel is evaporated and is contained under the outer surface of the leaf. Resin is a quick healing substance that uses the plant itself to protect it from external attacks but also to keep it unprotected in case of incision or injury to its leaves. It is the perfect refreshing substance for both the plant itself and those looking for the ideal remedy for skin injuries or conditions.
Discover the Therapeutic Properties of Aloe Gel
Whatever your problem, Aloe can help you in the most direct and natural way. With an aloe in the garden or on your balcony you have a natural pharmacy available 24 hours a day. Aloe is going to help you in the following situations and not only:
The immediate solution in case of cuts or burns, as it renews skin cells in the most natural and direct way
Helps wound healing and soothes skin irritations as its gel exhibits a high absorption
Prevents and reduces arthritis inflammation but also any kind of inflammation
It has great antimicrobial and immunomodulatory action
Works proactively to flu or cold symptoms
Improves blood circulation
It restricts musculoskeletal pains
Due to its intense regenerative capacity, it is the treatment of every skin condition while its
cosmetic use has no limits:
The aloe gel hydrates deeply and penetrates all layers of skin
It significantly reduces skin patches
Helps combat acne, skin allergies while slowing down skin aging, either internally or externally
It reduces the itching and other symptoms of dandruff
Beyond dealing with skin problems, it is ideal for revitalizing internal tissues
In the case of varicella, topical use of aloe gel relieves pruritus while simultaneously disinfecting and healing without leaving any marks on the skin.
In the drinking form of aloe, it stimulates the body as well as cleans the human organism and improves their functions:
It works against hemorrhoids, ulcers, colitis, gingivitis, chills, inflammation, stomach upset, sore throat and many other symptoms.
It significantly improves digestion and helps assimilate foods
Works as an excellent cleanser and disinfectant.
It does good in digestion and treats to some extent constipation when consumed internally
It is a wonderful natural analgesic, without side effects.
Neutralizes fungi and viruses.
It seems that it can also act against diabetes by eating juice, which helps to lower the blood sugar
Strengthens the immune system.
It is a natural anti-inflammatory
It contributes to the health of the gums
It has been proven by research that drinking aloe juice on a daily basis significantly reduces
cholesterol in the blood, since it contains ingredients that favor its removal from the human body.
has anti-cancer activity
cleanses the body from toxins
Aloe is used as a key ingredient in the preparation of skincare and skin care products:
used in veterinary medicine
to make a toothpaste
for making soaps
for baby care products
for hair shampoos and bubble baths
deodorants and more.
Experts say that every day a new aloe property is discovered. The truth is that aloe is widely used by the pharmaceutical industry and in many cases has been described as an "elixir of youth".
Aloe is the wonder plant you can have in your home, always available to give you its magic healing properties.
Aloe is used in several beauty products as an additive for its vitamins content; however, its nutritional properties also make this plant a wonder plant. This beneficial plant is really easy to grow in any house or garden. It is known for its ability to thrive under any conditions, as it grows equally well indoors and outdoors with minimal care.
Here are the important things you need to know for growing an aloe plant successfully:
Indoors or outdoors, a balance of sunshine is essential. This can be a little tricky, though, because too much direct sunlight can cause the plant to dry out and turn the leaves brown—but too little light will stunt the plant’s growth. It is also important to note that aloe can freeze in the winter if outside, so it is recommended using a pot you can easily bring indoors during freezes or leaving your plant in a location you can cover with a blanket. If the plant is to be grown indoors, make sure the plant will receive enough indirect sunlight.
A very important factor for the plant to thrive is the soil that will host it. Choose soil that drains well and follow the instructions below, depending on where you choose to plant it.
Aloe in a pot
Choose sandy or fairly porous soil. The ideal soil for aloe is slightly acidic and quite nutritious. Fill the pot, with the recommended soil or with regular, common soil for plants. To facilitate water drainage, place pebbles on the base, at a thickness of about 3 cm. Place the pot in some place with a lot of light, but the sun does not see it directly. For aloe, the air is very beneficial because it gives it strength. However, avoid strong winds because they can injure her stem.
Aloe in the garden
Choose a comfortable, airy and sunny spot and provide several inches of space between plants, as they do grow outward from the center. Aloe can withstand the high temperatures of the summer, but if they are kept for a long time they may slow down its growth. It is important to avoid water accumulation during the rainy season, so choose a sloping ground or plant it on a small or big hill.
Look for a medium or large planter with good drainage capabilities.
When watering, the soil should feel damp but not soaked. The best way to water is to feel the plant leaves every few days. As long as they are cool or moist, the plant has enough water. Before you water again, the soil should be completely dry. During cold months, it will need less water.
The ideal temperature for the growth of aloe is between 20 and 25° C. The best season to plant aloe is spring, between March and April.
And do not forget: The best time for transplanting is during the warm months.
For the care of aloe, proper fertilizer is very important. Its soil must be lubricated even during planting. Prefer organic fertilizers with low nitrogen content. If you cultivate the plant for pharmaceutical purposes, you should not use fertilizers with chemicals. The best fertilizer is ash or water, in which you have cooked vegetables or legumes. The ideal amount is about a handful of manure, which you mix with soil.
Once your plant reaches maturity, you can begin to harvest aloe for its nutritional benefits. You can start this process once the additional leaves or shoots have grown from the center of the plant. Cut them from as close to the base as possible, but be mindful not to disturb the roots.
Aloe flowers once or twice a year. It is advisable to cut the flowers because hybrid plants can be created, after pollination with other species, resulting in a low-quality final product without the necessary healing properties.
The avoidance of weed propagation is just as important as fertilization. Regularly remove weeds. In order not to injure aloe, it is preferable to exterminate the weeds by hand without special tools or herbicides.
Check a few common issues:
Things to Watch Out For:
The sole enemy of aloe is the snail. The snail when found on the aloe leaves causes a wound to the plant and injures it.
Like any plant, aloe can suffer from bugs, disease, and fungus on its stem or roots. Mealybugs and scale, which are small, flat tan or brown bugs that suck the sap from aloe, are the most common insect problems. You should also be mindful of leaf rot, as this is a common disease for aloe.
To avoid fungus, keep the soil and plant dry. You can protect your aloe plant from pests with a natural pesticide. Look for an organic pesticide instead of one that is toxic. You can even make your own safe, organic pesticide at home.
Be sure to protect yourself too. Young aloe plants have soft spikes on their leaves that won’t do much damage, but the spikes of older, more established plants can stick you if you’re not careful. These spikes are capable of tearing clothes and even puncturing the skin. Be mindful when repotting or harvesting and wear gloves when handling.
If you would like to buy an aloe plant for you or your loved ones, our online florist will help you find the perfect one. Make your orders online at and we will deliver in Greece and around the world.
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