Either in our store or by ordering online, our florist can help you send beautiful flowers to your loved one in Chalandri. Our experienced florists will create the right gift for any kind of occasion. Sending fresh flowers in Chalandri to your loved ones in every special moment of their lives.
A few words about Chalandri
Chalandri extends in a cluster of hills at the foot of Mount Pentelikos and borders Marousi, Vrilissia, Neo Psychiko, Agia Paraskevi, the Municipality of Papagou-Holargos and Gerakas.
It is an important residential centre of the Athens complex and is distinguished for its excellent road plan, the extensive network of sidewalks and bicycle paths and for the long tradition of its inhabitants in trade.
The municipality of Halandri is located at a fairly central point of the basin. It is surrounded by the two most basic avenues that provide access to the centre of Athens, namely Kifissias and Mesogeion avenues as well as Attiki Odos. It is also served by, among others, the Metro and Proastiakos stations, Chalandri, Mint of Greece and Plakentia.
Chalandri is a shopping centre that gathers buyers from all over the northern suburbs and from other areas of the city. It is also a hotbed of intense business activity with a variety of companies and is a pole of attraction for executives, along with neighbouring Marousi.
The Municipality specializes in trade and services. Many of the big Greek companies are based in the city, mainly on two streets, Ethnikis Antistaseos and Kifisias. The area offers a variety of options in the private area of Health. The administrative boundaries offer space for many of the most architecturally interesting embassies in Athens, while the transfer of the Ministry of Finance to the Mint of Greece is being studied, something that is expected to make the municipality an even more important node of the capital's basin.
There is nothing more beautiful than sending fresh flowers to your loved ones in Chalandri in every special moment of their lives. Wish them happy birthday, say "I love you" or "I miss you" with gifts from our online store anthemionflowers and deliver smiles.
View all the flowers for same day delivery in Chalandri here
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