Thanks to our experienced florists, we can deliver special and beautiful gifts in Peristeri, making someone's special day even more amazing. Send arrangements and bouquets of fresh flowers and more gifts.
View all the flowers for same day delivery in Peristeri
A few words about Peristeri, Athens
Peristeri is a city and is the most populous municipality of the Western Sector of the Attica Basin, as well as the 8th most populous in Greece. It borders on the north with the municipality of Ilion, on the east with the municipality of Athens, on the south with the municipality of Egaleo, on the west with the municipality of Haidari and on the northwest with the municipality of Petroupoli.
A modern city that dominates the axis of Western Athens with continuous rates of evolution, growth and progress, which for the last 15 years show exceptional speeds. Below are some of the key infrastructure projects, such as:
• The versatile New City Hall of the city
• New fully equipped and technically perfect sports facilities
• New state-of-the-art swimming pool
• High aesthetics and quality theatrical and conference complex spaces
• New innovative specifications, kindergartens
• Sports facilities and new playgrounds in enviable standards
Peristeri is served by three Athens metro stations: Agios Antonios, has been operating since 2004, which is located in the centre of Peristeri. In 2013, two other Metro stations were put into operation, one near the New City Hall (Peristeri Station) and one next to Thivon Avenue (Anthoupolis Station).
The local commercial market is quite competitive, in fullness, variety and adequacy and has nothing to envy from other markets in Athens.
It is a city full of light, whose life, based on radical cuts, pioneering ideas and subversive initiatives, is moving forward, with such rapid steps, that it is ready to face the inconceivable challenges of the future.
Anthemion can deliver fresh and beautiful flowers to your special recipient, send flowers in Peristeri. Send bouquets, arrangements, plants and other gifts to everyone on the same day.
View all the flowers for same day delivery in Peristeri