
Beautiful red and pink roses, carnations and alstroemerias placed in a black box create a rich lovely arrangement that will catch the eye of your loved ones with its beauty.

The flower arrangement is hand-tied respectively and prepared by our experienced florists. We guarantee the highest quality flowers, gifts and service for the special occasions in your life. Note that because of the lighting effects of each screen, actual colors may be slightly different from the product image.

Please note that our roses are of excellent quality, imported from Ecuador. Τhe quantity of flowers we use in our box arrangements depending on the size of each stem.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Wishing card with your personal message is included.



Red|pink flowers in black box

Free Shipping
Price: 65.00
Availability: IN STOCK
sku: AF444023


Beautiful red and pink roses, carnations and alstroemerias placed in a black box create a rich lovely arrangement that will catch the eye of your loved ones with its beauty.

The flower arrangement is hand-tied respectively and prepared by our experienced florists. We guarantee the highest quality flowers, gifts and service for the special occasions in your life. Note that because of the lighting effects of each screen, actual colors may be slightly different from the product image.

Please note that our roses are of excellent quality, imported from Ecuador. Τhe quantity of flowers we use in our box arrangements depending on the size of each stem.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Wishing card with your personal message is included.




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