
Blooming with sassy sweetness and popping with extreme color, this stunning flower bouquet consists of hot pink roses, carnations, gerbera daisies, Peruvian lilies and mini carnations offset by green button poms and lush greens to create an arrangement that is perfectly passionate about pink. This mixed flower arrangement is set to send your sweetest wishes to friends and family in honor of a birthday, as a thank you, or just to celebrate in style.


Our bouquets are hand-tied respectively and prepared by experienced local florists and may differ from the product image at the online store. Note that the availability of some flowers depending on the season and due to local availability so may be replaced by products of the same or higher value.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Wishing card with your personal message is included.


Raspberry Sensation Bouquet

Free Shipping
Price: 132.00
Availability: IN STOCK
sku: IN-CA-999128


Blooming with sassy sweetness and popping with extreme color, this stunning flower bouquet consists of hot pink roses, carnations, gerbera daisies, Peruvian lilies and mini carnations offset by green button poms and lush greens to create an arrangement that is perfectly passionate about pink. This mixed flower arrangement is set to send your sweetest wishes to friends and family in honor of a birthday, as a thank you, or just to celebrate in style.


Our bouquets are hand-tied respectively and prepared by experienced local florists and may differ from the product image at the online store. Note that the availability of some flowers depending on the season and due to local availability so may be replaced by products of the same or higher value.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Wishing card with your personal message is included.
