
The beauty of white roses is showcased to its best advantage presented in a charming flower box. Send this beautiful arrangement of about 30 elegant white roses and create the perfect way to honor friendship or show love and regard to your special one. Ideal gift for an anniversary, a birthday or to say "I Love You".

Standard: 20-35 roses PICTURE (Diameter of the box: 22 cm. - Height: 13 cm.)
40-55 roses (Diameter of the Box: 24 cm. Height: 14 cm.)
Deluxe: 60-70 roses (Diameter of the box: 32 cm. - Height: 14 cm.)

The flower arrangement is hand-tied respectively and prepared by our experienced florists. We guarantee the highest quality flowers, gifts and service for the special occasions in your life. Note that because of the lighting effects of each screen, actual colors may be slightly different from the product image.

Please note that our roses are of excellent quality, imported from Ecuador. The number of flowers included can vary due to different head sizes.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Wishing card with your personal message is included.


True love arrangement

Free Shipping
Price: 200.00
Availability: IN STOCK
sku: AF444004


The beauty of white roses is showcased to its best advantage presented in a charming flower box. Send this beautiful arrangement of about 30 elegant white roses and create the perfect way to honor friendship or show love and regard to your special one. Ideal gift for an anniversary, a birthday or to say "I Love You".

Standard: 20-35 roses PICTURE (Diameter of the box: 22 cm. - Height: 13 cm.)
40-55 roses (Diameter of the Box: 24 cm. Height: 14 cm.)
Deluxe: 60-70 roses (Diameter of the box: 32 cm. - Height: 14 cm.)

The flower arrangement is hand-tied respectively and prepared by our experienced florists. We guarantee the highest quality flowers, gifts and service for the special occasions in your life. Note that because of the lighting effects of each screen, actual colors may be slightly different from the product image.

Please note that our roses are of excellent quality, imported from Ecuador. The number of flowers included can vary due to different head sizes.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Wishing card with your personal message is included.
