
The explosive combination of red, pink and fuchsia colors in a bouquet of roses, hypericum, and peonies that, along with the rich greenery surrounding it, carry the message of an eternal promise.

Our bouquets are hand-tied respectively and prepared by experienced local florists and may differ from the product image on the online store. Note that the availability of some flowers depends on the season and maybe replaced by-products of the same or higher value.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylishly designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Wishing card with your personal message is included.


Eternal Promise

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Availability: IN STOCK
sku: IN-RO-999103


The explosive combination of red, pink and fuchsia colors in a bouquet of roses, hypericum, and peonies that, along with the rich greenery surrounding it, carry the message of an eternal promise.

Our bouquets are hand-tied respectively and prepared by experienced local florists and may differ from the product image on the online store. Note that the availability of some flowers depends on the season and maybe replaced by-products of the same or higher value.

Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised and presented in stylishly designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon, to create a stunning gift. Wishing card with your personal message is included.
